Shaving pounds

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I just feel it's inhuman for me to try and lose weight when my wife is getting big and pregnant.

^^^ I had a friend that was recently diagnosed with diabetes who was in complete love with beer. Of course he was told that he needed to cut the SUGAR and taking off a little weight would help as well. He now drinks whiskey :laugh:
Oh, trust me, I was a beer fanatic. And it was tough giving it up, but my triglycerides were sky high. I have beer every so often now, usually after a crappy day or on Friday afternoon to celebrate the completion of yet another work week.

I can't drink hard liquor. The stuff is like a switch. I'm either dead sober or dead drunk. There is no in between.

I wish I could shave the pounds...instead I'm losing inches and putting on weight due to muscle gain. It sucks! I lost like 10 inches in the past 6 months, but I put on about 8 pounds. :brickwall:

There is something to giving up beer, but not liquor. The carbs in beer raise your blood sugar. High blood sugar can increase cholesterol and triglycerides, among other health issues. Liquor does not raise blood sugar. I don't know why, but that's how it works. Also, the only time in my life when my cholesterol dropped was while I was on a low carb diet--no sugar, but lots of eggs, meat, cheese, etc. The other thing about a low carb diet for me is that I feel so much better.

I always eat out while doing field work so after a 3 weeks of being out of the office Ive undone all the weight I lost over the last couple months. A lot of the fat has been turned to muscle though which is good.

^^^ I have the same problem when I travel ... or even if I am not travelling. :eek:hmy: Lately, I haven't been focusing as much on the actually weight I have been losing because I think using weight gained or lost as a singular benchmark for success isn't very helpful. So, I have been primarily looking at where I have had reductions so that my clothes fit better, I feel better, etc. Logically, my mind tells me there is a target weight I should be shooting for but in reality I am not going to be killing myself to get to a certain weight as much as it will be an acceptable body image for myself. Afterall, I am doing this because I want to look better, feel better, and do a little preventative maintenance :)

Then again ... I am just an :eek:ldtimer: who doesn't want to expire pre-maturely :)


When I'm traveling I tend to eat less and lose weight. I've been traveling a lot lately, and I was sick with some stomach bug so I lost a few pounds. :) But I also don't excercise when I travel so I don't feel better, just flabby. :(

I'm in the same boat as you. I can't stand eating total garbage, so it limits my options severely, and I just end up picking and poking at stuff, usually at really odd hours to boot. Plus my digestive track always gets out of whack when I'm not eating the home cooked stuff I'm used to, so it doesn't generally boost my appetite. Nor do I get regular exercise. A quick jog here, a little while in the hotel rec room maybe.

When I come home it just feels like my skin is hanging on me.

Fortunately after the England trip and recently a few days down after my wisdom tooth fiasco, I'm back on a regular routine. :p10940623:

Im almost down a belt notch. I went to tighten my belt this morning and it kept pulling tighter and tighter. Im down about 7 pounds (225 -> 218) total so far but I can tell the fat has really melted away and Ive packed on a good amount of muscle.

One complaint is that fencing is really messing me up. Its a very assymetrical sport. You use your dominant hand and leg way more then your weak side. I can tell that my right side is getting stronger then my left. I need to do some exercises to even myself out before one half of me looks like the hulk and the other side like a stick figure.

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with that white outfit and skinny sword?

Where do you find a place to do something like that? I've only seen it on TV, so I assumed its somewhat obscure.

with that white outfit and skinny sword?

Where do you find a place to do something like that? I've only seen it on TV, so I assumed its somewhat obscure.
Yup, Ive got the white outfit and the skinny sword. Ill post some pictures of me in my gear one of these days. Louisville has a fencing center that is run by a former Olympic coach. He fenced for the Soviet Union way back in the day and won two silvers and a bronze medal in the 1980 Olympics as the coach of the Polish national team. He moved here back in the 90's and opened up a fencing school in downtown Louisville.

Very random I know but its so damn fun. Its funny because when I tell people I fence they usually are intrigued, its a great ice breaker when meeting new people.

It's sunny and 75 here today, the foliage is peaking, and this will probably be the nicest weekend day for the forseable future. Perfect for a nice long bike ride through the countryside.

Thing is, it's getting dark so early, I don't get much chance to ride after work anymore, and I'm not riding at night. This means quick power rides and spining on the trainer. Between not having much light, and hating anything having to do with the trainer, I haven't rode more than 20 miles at a time in a month.

Naturally today I decide to be a hero and ride 42. I am an idiot. My quads feel like they are gonna explode. On the other hand, my calves look ripped right now and it's warm enough to wear shorts. :eyebrows:

I'm in trouble. I can't do my pushups or even ride my bike now because of wrist pain. My man-****s are starting to droop again. I'm trying to figure out what I can do to keep them under control if I can't ride or do resistance training. All I can do at this point is run and do abs (crunches). Maybe I need to diet?

^No. I'm afraid. I am tentatively planning to go in to the doctor this week about it, but our hospital is so inefficient that I know it will take up an entire work day, and probably won't even have an answer by then. Meanwhile it has actually gotten worse over the past two weeks. My big fear is that I broke one of the bones in there - that seems to be a common thing, according to my google searching - especially common is to wait and wonder 4 weeks or more before seeing a doctor! At best, I have damaged the tendons and will have to get some physcial therapy advice.

^have you seen anyone about your wrist?
Just be sure to shave your palm before going to the doctor about wrist pain or they'll think the worst. J/K, but seriously you should get that looked at. You might have a pinched nerve or a pulled tendon etc etc.

Ive gotten down to 214 and am very close to being down a belt notch. Im getting close to trying on a size 34 pair of pants sitting in my closet. Thats how I know Im at the size I want. I am getting a little worried about my working out in a couple weeks. My basketball league ends soon and I need to find something to keep me going or Ill fall off the wagon.

I gave myself tendonitis in my elbow this summer from playing softball. ( I actually know it's from skipping rocks for 2 hours one day on vacation but softball sounds more manly.)

The doc gave me a brace for my wrist - the gripping motion of the hand and flexing of the wrist and told me don't use the thing for 2 weeks. I followed his advice and it all went away on its own.

Maybe you should try an over the counter brace and lay off it for a bit. If it's just irritated it will clear up eventually. If it still is bad, then you know you got a problem and have the reason to go see the doc.

Hey FW, there's no need to stop at 34 inches. Why not 32? The sky's the limit for us men.

