Dark Knight
Silent Guardian
A friend of mine motto was " I can live without rice, milk, and gasoline. But beer???? I can't. That is my fuel"
Oh, trust me, I was a beer fanatic. And it was tough giving it up, but my triglycerides were sky high. I have beer every so often now, usually after a crappy day or on Friday afternoon to celebrate the completion of yet another work week.^^^ I had a friend that was recently diagnosed with diabetes who was in complete love with beer. Of course he was told that he needed to cut the SUGAR and taking off a little weight would help as well. He now drinks whiskey :laugh:
Yup, Ive got the white outfit and the skinny sword. Ill post some pictures of me in my gear one of these days. Louisville has a fencing center that is run by a former Olympic coach. He fenced for the Soviet Union way back in the day and won two silvers and a bronze medal in the 1980 Olympics as the coach of the Polish national team. He moved here back in the 90's and opened up a fencing school in downtown Louisville.fencing?
with that white outfit and skinny sword?
Where do you find a place to do something like that? I've only seen it on TV, so I assumed its somewhat obscure.
Just be sure to shave your palm before going to the doctor about wrist pain or they'll think the worst. J/K, but seriously you should get that looked at. You might have a pinched nerve or a pulled tendon etc etc.^have you seen anyone about your wrist?
Just be sure to shave your palm before going to the doctor about wrist pain or they'll think the worst.