Shaving pounds

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So my wife's sister is moving to Boston for grad school. As long as she was coming out, and we're in VT, her parents decided to come visit New England since they'd never been here other than her Dad on a business trip one time.

They've been great about helping around the house while we've had to work. Sadly though, I got home to find both my bike shorts in the running washing machine. Meaning I couldn't bike.

So I had to run in 88 degree heat instead. I don't know where all the heat came from this past week but it has been brutal. It was 90 the other day and has been mid to upper 80s much of the week. That was one painful and sweaty run.

So my wife's sister is moving to Boston for grad school. As long as she was coming out, and we're in VT, her parents decided to come visit New England since they'd never been here other than her Dad on a business trip one time.
They've been great about helping around the house while we've had to work. Sadly though, I got home to find both my bike shorts in the running washing machine. Meaning I couldn't bike.

So I had to run in 88 degree heat instead. I don't know where all the heat came from this past week but it has been brutal. It was 90 the other day and has been mid to upper 80s much of the week. That was one painful and sweaty run.
Common' VT...Complaining for 90s? :violin: ...You are soft my friend. The nice temps up in the North-East are spoiling you.

^ When you're not used to it, it feels hot. It's about 10 degrees warmer than when I'd usually run after work.

When it's 45 degrees in FLA and you guys go running for the parkas it seems equally wimpy to me!

My wife told me today she can tell Ive lost weight. I dont feel like I have but Ill take that as a compliment.

On a side note I did my first actual fencing last night. After an hour I was so worn out I thought I was going to throw up. Thats how I can tell Ive had a good work out, when it makes me feel like puking.

It's a holiday weekend, and I expect to have a couple of big dinners. We got empty-nested this year and both girls are home for the weekend. So, they picked the menu for Saturday. My brother's birthday was this week and we're having a celebration dinner on Sunday, with cake. Hopefully, I'll resist the temptation to overconsume.

^^^ I am with you there Maryannette. We had guests come in for the weekend so it has been let's go out to eat, let's go out to drink, let's do all sorts of things that I can't even begin to work off even if I tried !!!!

At the buffet, only salad for me. For dinner, only broiled seafood and a salad. At the bar, only water and unsweetened ice tea. :) Oh ... and if you do fudge a little, that's okay. We aren't going to tell :p You can resist!! I keep reminding myself of the smaller goals that lead to bigger ones :)


Boy am I sliding... Today I was at the airport for an aborted flight to a neighboring island (too much rain), and as I was closing the lid on my aluminum clipboard/form holder, I caught my nipple in it and said "ouch!", which was noticed by my traveling companions... Yes, the nipple on my MAN ****S. WTF??? Two weeks of slacking (hey, it's been rainy and I was sick) and I start flabbing up.

Time to start getting serious again!

Most guys spend their entire lives looking for **** you go and get them and you complain! :D

Boy am I sliding...
Ditto. Why the hell does it take soo much effort to stay motivated? It doesn't help that my wife eats total CRAP and weighs a buck-ten. So, our house it always filled with candy / cookies / brownies / donuts and crap that I have to attempt to resist. Then I work it out in my head and sabotage myself... If I eat 2 donuts, that's an extra 15 minutes on the machine. Only problem, I haven't gotten on the god forsaken machines much in the last 2 weeks. And, we're taking a family vacation for a week - good luck getting me to workout on vacation.

I wish I had someone who would keep me honest, but I don't know many people at my gym, and most everyone I know that works out goes other places.

Is staying motivated "easy" for some people?

^ Yeah, I don't have much trouble staying motivated to workout regularly. Though sometimes a busy schedule gets in the way of doing so.

I always looked at it as something on my list of things to do for the day, like going to work or cooking dinner, and schedule it in, as opposed to looking at it as a luxury that I'd fit in if I could.

Staying motivated for me has been easy lately. I dropped ~$900 on fencing gear/membership so Im making sure to get my money out of it. Plus its a lot of fun and Im really learning a lot. It helps that Ive been told by my coach (an Olympic silver medal coach) that he thinks I have a lot of potential to be a damn good fencer so Im very motivated to work at it.

Plus Im playing in a basketball league with people from work; not looking like a chump in front of coworkers is another good reason to bust ass on the court.

Im down 5 lbs right now but Ive shifted a lot of flab weight to muscle weight, my legs havent been this muscular since I was running 10k's every few months.

^ They play bball 2 nights a week at the rec center in my town. I went a few times but it's populated by a bunch of overserious ballhogs. There's only so many times you need to see some guy who thinks he's better than he really is go 1 on 4 and throw up an off balance runner, then bark at you for not being in position to get the rebound before hope the whole gym full of them get jock itch.

^^^ Luckily I play with a group of about 10 people who are all pretty similar in skill level/attitude. We all know we're not very good and that the only way we're going to win is if we get the teamwork down. We won our first game of the league last week with good ball movement and tough defense because we shot like $hit.

^^That's the best form of motivation to stay fit. Play some sport, doesn't matter what or with who (you could even join a running or biking group), and you will have plenty of motivation to try to improve your fitness on the days off, just to be able to keep up with the other guys (& gals). That's mostly what motivates me. My recent "slide" has been purely due to weather, illness, and poor diet. But two of those factors are fading, so I'm back in the saddle.

Well, my average for the week thus far shows me at 30 lbs down. With vacation at the end of this week, it is sure to go up some.

As far as motivation goes, I have found that I am in the routine of doing my work out just as soon as I get home from work. This makes sure that nothing gets in my way. If something were to break this routine I think I would have problems. Currently, my workout is 18-20 miles on my new road bike on the trainer and 30-40 minutes of weightlifting. I am starting to try to max out on some lifts now instead of just working endurance as well. I have found that to be a lot more fun than doing low weight at a million reps.

As far as motivation goes, I have found that I am in the routine of doing my work out just as soon as I get home from work. This makes sure that nothing gets in my way.
That has been my plan generally. As soon as I get home have a quick snack and then do whatever workout I had planned for that day. Unfortunately, things have a tendency to get in the way once every week or two. Errands, night meetings, plans with friends, etc. It's getting a little dark and cold this year to make the switch to doing things in the morning, but next spring I may try to shift my workout time to then.

You run less risk of something coming up at 6 AM then 6 PM.

^^I don't know about that. I've never had a snooze button delay me after work, but it seems to happen quite often around 6 a.m.

18 miles! Ha! WEAK. I am doing 20 miles each night. I plan to compete in the Iron Man and the Lumberjack World Championships all in the same weekend due to my new found incredible strength. Maybe we can have some sort of caged fight.


(note - my 20 miles is on the trainer at a low resistance but still at 21 mph average thus your 18 mile open road workout is impressive)

Ther are 2 main loops I usually do after work. As for the actual loop: One is 14, the one I did yesterday is 16. There are a few little spurs and side roads you can do to tack on some more miles. I try to do about 20 each time.

The difficult thing is that its starting to get dark in a hurry. Light enough to see, but hard to be seen, especialy in shady areas. I need a strobing light for my bike. I called it quits when it was starting to get scary.

This is the time of year when I need to start riding from the office as opposed to going home first, and save the longer rides for the weekend. After that it'll be another winter of spin class... :suicide1:

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