Here is my grading and passing score theory I think others have done something like this and I’m just adding my two cents:
Passing score cutoff range: (55-59) 59 for an easy exam and 55 for a tough one
All four building problems are 10 points each but among the three bridge problems one is a 20-point problem
Acceptable: 7-10 or 15-20
All parts completed but with simple calculation mistakes, not getting the correct final answer, incomplete sketches, and minor analytical/design mistakes.
IR: 5-7 or 10-15
All the above plus major analytical/design mistakes. Missing one or two small parts completely (say parts E or F) or incomplete main parts (A or B).
UA: 0-5 or 0-10
When we have no idea, bomb the question, and don’t do ****

other than adding some text and referencing some equations (mostly unrelated)
So, I passed a vertical bridge and failed a lateral, here is what I think I had:
Vertical (I thought it was a medium-tough exam): 25-28 morning and 10/10, 10/10, 17/20 = 62-65 >57 pass!
Lateral (from diagnostic): 22 morning and
7/10 (acceptable) 5/10 (IR) 12/20 (IR) = 46<55 fail!
I wonder how those who failed or passed get with this rubric.