SC people, take note!

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This year I *had* to paper file and I destain it.
I would hope so. I would imagine you might be looking at an audit if you submit some stained papers.
Benbo you should adopt that grammar nazi avatar as well.

Good catch, I literally had to look it up, I didn't know how to spell it, and apparently have been pronouncing it wrong as well.
Everyone makes mistakes, I make plenty. There's only room for one Spelling-Stalin on this board.

I wouldn't have mentioned anything if it didn't have to do with stained paper. Sorry, I can't resist that.

Everyone makes mistakes, I make plenty. There's only room for one Spelling-Stalin on this board.I wouldn't have mentioned anything if it didn't have to do with stained paper. Sorry, I can't resist that.
Well I'm American, so it can't be completely my fault, nothing ever is. It must just be the english language.

Why is destain even a word? Do you deopen something?
