Salary by Discipline

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meh, ^^ my wife has a VW passat, (same company) and I can't stand it.

I'll take my American Made Toy anyday. :D

All four barrels, each of the eight cylinders, and both exhaust runs.

But "buttering the bread"........ that sounds familiar.....

(joking aside, that is a great car though, the AUDI)

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meh, ^^ my wife has a VW passat, (same company) and I can't stand it.

I'll take my American Made Toy anyday. :D

All four barrels, each of the eight cylinders, and both exhaust runs.

But "buttering the bread"........ that sounds familiar.....

(joking aside, that is a great car though, the AUDI)
it's my first...I've driven BMW M3's since 1990, 3 generations...I still have my e46

so far, so good with the Audi, but I'll let you know at 100k M3 has 150k

I got a deal on the Audi, needed a 4 door, CPO warranty to 100k miles, it just turned 10k, previous owner was Audi of America, corp car

my wife drives a 97 jetta, bought new, has 60k miles, no's her beater/dog hauler/mulch truck, lol

I see you're a Steela' too, I went to school at Pitt and live 50 miles south of the 'Burgh


I am sorry to hear that you went to Pitt, but glad to hear your a Steeler fan.

Sounds like I'm just a few more miles south of you in :wv:

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my baby below.


OK, here goes, I'm a bit uncomfortable, but you asked

PE 2 years

20+ years experience

president, 30 person firm

102k base

~15k straight time OT (mostly evening meetings)

bonus 56k (this year), expect the same or more next year

60k, profit disbursement (this year) about same next

expenses ~10k
56k bonus?!? :rtft: Holy freakin crap! Must be nice! Thanks for posting that, gives us underlings something to shoot for!

I've had to resort to some moonlighting just to scrape by and have a little fun. Past 3 jobs I've had always hit a dry spell where my workload is non-existent and bores me to death.

I am sorry to hear that you went to Pitt, but glad to hear your a Steeler fan.

Sounds like I'm just a few more miles south of you in : :wv: :

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my baby below.

nice ride, a classic

my wife went to WVU and brother I'm used to taking

Can you guys give me a clue about how much to ask for a raise if I pass my PE exam?

I am in :wv:


EIT 04

MBA 08

with 10-12 years work experience before BSCE in Construction Materials, Highway bridges, etc.

Engineer with construction firm Current Salary Low 50"s with company vehicle, 401k, Profit sharing

five years with current firm.

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I just graduated and these salaries are pretty depressing considering the complexity of our fields. My wife will be making around $200k more than me a year (MDA). Well, we'll see what Obama does to Dr.'s in the near future--

BSEE --2009

FE--- 2009

Searching jobs but the normal offers have been around $55K

Sharing my piece of information after reading through other postings.

Job Title: Process Engineer

Industry: Industrial Waste Water (Small EPC company, water treatment system design)

Years of Experience: 1.5 years

Base salary: 57k

Other Compensation (Bonus, 401k): 4k

Job location (City, State): Milwaukee, WI

Degree/Major (BS, MS, MBA, PhD, etc): BS ChE

Licensed PE (Yes/No): No-Planning to take the FE in October 09.

Go Badgers!

Here we go:

Mechanical Engineer

BS 2002

MS 2007

PE (passed in April '09) - employer doesn't recognize.


4.5 years total exp (various roles)

Chemical industry

70 - 75k

You'll get better answers if you ask "salary by industry".

A mechanical engineering working for Exxon is generally going to make a significant amount more than a mechnical working for a water utility or AE

Isn't it funny how broad the spectrum is on salaries? There are some on here that have 5 years more experience than me, but are making 50K more. I think I need to get out of metal buildings and into a consulting job that offers part ownership. The pay, initially, would be about the same, but the long-term would probably be very, very beneficial and more rewarding.
It is true, I will warn anyone looking to do this, their is a higher risk involved. ie You must produce, if you are part of a say 50 person staff, it is quite obvious if you don't know what the hell you are doing. Also typically you don't get all the benefits from working for a huge company, but we have cocktail hour and extremely flexible hours. And you must put up with quite a bit more ******** directly from clients. But I guess less from Mid Level Execs that don't know ****. So a trade-off so to speak

But I really like the Firm I work for and wouldn't go back to working for a big corporation.

Job Title: Engineer III

Industry: Utility

Years of Experience: 4.5 years

Base salary: 78k

Other Compensation (Bonus, 401k): Bonuses have varied 8-12k, Paid grad school costs.

Job location (City, State): Maryland

Degree/Major (BS, MS, MBA, PhD, etc): BSCE 2005, Masters of Eng 2008

Licensed PE (Yes/No): Yes, just found out I passed this April. Hoping for a promotion.

Job Title: Project Engineer

Industry: Construction

Years of Experience: 4.5 years

Base salary: 75k

Other Compensation (Bonus, 401k): 401K/med/usual stuff.

Job location (City, State): Maryland

Degree/Major (BS, MS, MBA, PhD, etc): BSCE 2002, MBA 2004

Licensed PE (Yes/No): Passed April 09

I am sorry to hear that you went to Pitt, but glad to hear your a Steeler fan.

Sounds like I'm just a few more miles south of you in : :wv: :

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my baby below.


You are a lucky man; that vehicle is exactly what God envisioned when he created cars.

2003 BSME GT & EIT

2009 AL PE

5 years experience (4 years with current company)

~55k with 15% performance based bonus (15% is increased or decreased based on company performance)

I guess you can put me under design engineering. It's way too complicated for a quick blurb.

You fellows with 15+ years experience really scare me. I went into engineering because I'm very mechanically inclined and I enjoy the problem-solving nature of the business. Of course, I also thought it would be a lucrative career. However, seeing the compensation for those more advanced in their careers, I'm afraid it's not going to get any better. I'm doing well for a single guy without a whole lot of toys. But when a family comes along, I don't know that I'll be able to maintain our current standard of living. And you can forget toys at that point. I guess I'll just chalk it up to the economy and try to better my situation once the market improves.

BTW, nice '68, DVINNY. I'm an F-body fan myself.

2003 EIT

2004 BSCE

2005 MSSE

2009 PE (Civil)

project engineer

3.5 yrs experience

<20p civil/structural consultant firm

Northern New England

$60k + ~$2k/yr bonus

Haven't had the talk with the boss yet about PE raise, billable rate went up $6, so that should translate to a $2/hr raise ~ $4k.

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Job Title: Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Corporate AE Design (Owner)

Years of Experience: 5 years (+5 years intern during college)

Base salary: 68k

Other Compensation (Bonus, 401k): Bonus, 401K match, great benefits

Job location (City, State): Chicago, IL

Degree/Major (BS, MS, MBA, PhD, etc): BS AE 2002 + MS AE 2004

Licensed PE (Yes/No): Planning to take AE PE exam soon, will get raise for passing

I worked as an engineer in the utility sector 3 years out of grad school and was just under $80k base. Took a pay cut to relocate, change environment and switch industries for a while. Working my way back up the salary ladder now.

You fellows with 15+ years experience really scare me.
I’m sure after the economy turns (I think it will) and if you get in the right industry you can make more, if that’s your ultimate goal. There are always “hot” industries that pay more. If you look for the high paid guys on here most of them are in the oil industry or nuclear power. Or they are in business for themselves.

I make 120K, but I live in Cal, with over 25 years experience (BS, MS, PE- EE). 120K in Cal might be equivalent to 80K or less in a place like Alabama, although it sort of depends where you live in Ca. I make this much in government work, but I made more in private work in semiconductors during the hi-tech bubble, and was making more relatively when I worked in defense when it was hot.

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