
Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I heard that if you get the highest score in your discipline in your state you get a NCEES challenge coin.

I heard if you fail, but think you were very close to the cut score, you can pay NCEES to appeal your score and that usually over-turns a failing score to a passing one.

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On that note, if you fail, the diagnostic you receive can be used to derive the cut score.

I heard that Sapper secretly heads up the PCS Land Surveying division which releases results.

I heard that Sapper will NOT be trying to get early results.

Prior to taking the exam, if you receive a chocolate bar with a golden ticket you automatically pass without taking the exam.............Oh wait a minute. I'm thinking about the time I went to Wiily Wonka's house. Never mind.

NCEES October Exam survey asking to fill out is an indication that you passed the test...

pass for getting the email to fill the survey is the 100% wrong (But it is a good rumor).
