Roadguy passed!

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Congrats RG! that testmasters was torture, but it was worth it!

:claps: :claps: :claps: :claps: :claps: :claps: :claps:

:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

BTW, again, glad to hear that that "Road Guy" passed. Hopefully he really knows how to drive.

Hooray for our fearless leader!



I'm happy for you - the hard work paid off. You deserve it and you've earned it :+1:


Just a suggestion - put RG first on the banner and use a different font if you can. The banner is getting longer and my tired old eyes barely caught it B)

What about Pink? He liked it so much, he made the spammers pink.

(He's gonna ban me when he gets home)

Actually, it's a good idea, might bother some others, but RG had the vision for this place he deserves it. I'll see what I can do.

What about Pink? He liked it so much, he made the spammers pink.(He's gonna ban me when he gets home)

Actually, it's a good idea, might bother some others, but RG had the vision for this place he deserves it. I'll see what I can do.
F*#$ the others if it bothers them.

Way to go RG!!! CONGRATS!!!


Not knowing RG personally except exchanging a couple of e-mails sharing information. This thread made it sounds like RG is retarded and he finally passed. Did I miss anything here? I assume he is like a founder of the site, is that right? Just guessing... : USA :

:rotflmao :rotflmao :rotflmao

funny how text can be interpreted. Yes, 3gorgesdam, RG is the board founder. and while we were all pulling for him to pass, there is a certain amount of kissing up because we don't want him to change us to pink.

:jk: (about the pink)


You put RG in red. His name needs to be in pink. He won't ban you (me maybe).

thanks for the congratulatories! (is that a word)

congrats to all of you who passed! and regrets for others.

now I can delete the website ;)
