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So mini MS1 got a bass guitar for his birthday (December) and has been taking lessons at School of Rock since early January.  After only a few months, he's pretty legit.  At his age and level, they're learning somewhat simplified versions of popular rock songs (Highway to Hell, Seven Nation Army, Zombie, etc...), but not much music theory, unfortunately, or how to "read" notes (note lettering shown on the tabs).  After being aggravating for a while, the wifey-wife got the owner to modify his course a little bit to include that info so these kids can be more well-rounded musicians. 

Anywho, after going to their first "concert" last month and hearing how good the music was (well, MS1 and the drummer), I wanted to try it.  I always wanted to play banjo (love that sweet sweet bluegrass), but my fat fingers didn't hit the strings very well so my fretting was poor.  Now the bass only has four strings, they're BIG, and spaced far enough apart for my sausage fingers... AND MS1 is learning music I was obsessed with back in the day.  So now I'm picking it up, practicing his music, and getting into learning the non-simplified / real versions of his songs plus others he won't be learning.  This sh*t is f-u-n, FUN.  And I can now play a six song set (bass only) - Zombie, Feel Good inc., Highway to Hell, Folsom Prison Blues, Island in the Sun, and Say it Ain't So.  The best part is the wifey-wife also likes this music, so when I'm playing and you can hear it through the whole house, she... doesn't... complain...  Evidently, SOR has adult performance classes, too.  Don't think I have time for that, but sh*t that'd be awesome.


* just wanted to use this gif again *

So the local college radio station (KLSU) I listen to at work in the background just played Brass Monkey.  Love it.  That is all.

Ok, now I'm totally digging this program they have going on.  Currently playing MGMT's Electric Feel.  IT nannies have their website blocked so I can't see the program name or hours or playlist.  Dang.

I hate that feeling when everyone else is going out for spring break and you are left to do all the bull shit work...

On a home theater receiver, can you mix and match 8 ohm and 6 ohm speakers?  Ex: 8 ohm L/R and 6 ohm Center?  Will the receiver auto-compensate the volume for each so one doesn't out pace the other when volume is either increased or decreased?   

Receiver likely won't auto-compensate, but most have level adjustments so you can manually adjust the volume on each channel.  Works better if you have a db meter, but you can do it by ear as well.

On a home theater receiver, can you mix and match 8 ohm and 6 ohm speakers?  Ex: 8 ohm L/R and 6 ohm Center?  Will the receiver auto-compensate the volume for each so one doesn't out pace the other when volume is either increased or decreased?   
You will have to calibrate it once. Also depends on the receiver. If you have, for example, a YPAO equipped yamaha receiver (or similar form other brands), it can do it for you. 

Be sure, when singing the song "Bette Davis Eyes," to replace it with "She's got Steve Buscemi eyes," and enjoy the mental image of replacing everyone around you's eyes with Steve Buscemi's eyes. 

Be sure, when singing the song "Bette Davis Eyes," to replace it with "She's got Steve Buscemi eyes," and enjoy the mental image of replacing everyone around you's eyes with Steve Buscemi's eyes. 
Mrs. Supe has been singing "These Beans" to the tune of "These Dreams" by Heart.

Counterpoint - you should move.
Not going to lie, seriously contemplating it.  Love my company, stuff isn't panning out as they promised, so I might jump ship even though it's only been a year.  See if I can find a different state where apartments are a kinda normal price?

@mudpuppy @csb If I could find a habitable apartment for like, $1300, I'd be fine.  But unfortunately Long Island is made for suburbs and the apartment complexes are around $1800+ for a studio.  And they keep mysteriously catching on fire the past couple of months...

Not going to lie, seriously contemplating it.  Love my company, stuff isn't panning out as they promised, so I might jump ship even though it's only been a year.  See if I can find a different state where apartments are a kinda normal price?

@mudpuppy @csb If I could find a habitable apartment for like, $1300, I'd be fine.  But unfortunately Long Island is made for suburbs and the apartment complexes are around $1800+ for a studio.  And they keep mysteriously catching on fire the past couple of months...
Italian Lightning? 


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