Did you get a score, 67, 68, 69?Results for October 2009.
Construction 50
Geotech 38
Structural 50
Transportation 62
Water & Environment 50
Earthwork Construction Layout 0
Estimating Quantities & Cost 57
Construction Operations & Methods 67
Scheduling 86
Materials Quality Control and Production 50
Temporary Structures 60
Worker Health, Safety and Environment 100
Other Topics 25
Doing the analysis of the report, I got 43 correct answers (20 in AM and 23 in PM) out of 80. I believe that 56/80 should do it.
I've heard 56-59 thrown around quite a lot on these boards. This is my first time taking it so I'm hoping thats about right.How many questions (Approx) one needs correct in order to pass?
What was your score with 43 correct (AM&PM)?. Was is 65, 66,67,68 or 69?.I took it in New York and I do not see any score besides this diagnostics report.
Did you get a score, 67, 68, 69?Results for October 2009.
Construction 50
Geotech 38
Structural 50
Transportation 62
Water & Environment 50
Earthwork Construction Layout 0
Estimating Quantities & Cost 57
Construction Operations & Methods 67
Scheduling 86
Materials Quality Control and Production 50
Temporary Structures 60
Worker Health, Safety and Environment 100
Other Topics 25
Doing the analysis of the report, I got 43 correct answers (20 in AM and 23 in PM) out of 80. I believe that 56/80 should do it.
What was your score with 43 correct (AM&PM)?. Was is 65, 66,67,68 or 69?.I took it in New York and I do not see any score besides this diagnostics report.
Did you get a score, 67, 68, 69?Results for October 2009.
Construction 50
Geotech 38
Structural 50
Transportation 62
Water & Environment 50
Earthwork Construction Layout 0
Estimating Quantities & Cost 57
Construction Operations & Methods 67
Scheduling 86
Materials Quality Control and Production 50
Temporary Structures 60
Worker Health, Safety and Environment 100
Other Topics 25
Doing the analysis of the report, I got 43 correct answers (20 in AM and 23 in PM) out of 80. I believe that 56/80 should do it.
PE-Hope already mention that he took in NY. NY didn't give you the score like 65,66,67,68 or 69....What was your score with 43 correct (AM&PM)?. Was is 65, 66,67,68 or 69?.I took it in New York and I do not see any score besides this diagnostics report.
Did you get a score, 67, 68, 69?Results for October 2009.
Construction 50
Geotech 38
Structural 50
Transportation 62
Water & Environment 50
Earthwork Construction Layout 0
Estimating Quantities & Cost 57
Construction Operations & Methods 67
Scheduling 86
Materials Quality Control and Production 50
Temporary Structures 60
Worker Health, Safety and Environment 100
Other Topics 25
Doing the analysis of the report, I got 43 correct answers (20 in AM and 23 in PM) out of 80. I believe that 56/80 should do it.
If you have taken the exam a few times one would be fed up, but for someone who has taken the exam once or twice, it would be useful info.I believe people are fed-up figuring out how many questions one needs correct.
yes i agree 56 will be a good number to "assume" to fall on the safe side. Even though sometimes less numbers gets through.If you have taken the exam a few times one would be fed up, but for someone who has taken the exam once or twice, it would be useful info.I believe people are fed-up figuring out how many questions one needs correct.
yes i agree 56 will be a good number to "assume" to fall on the safe side. Even though sometimes less numbers gets through.If you have taken the exam a few times one would be fed up, but for someone who has taken the exam once or twice, it would be useful info.I believe people are fed-up figuring out how many questions one needs correct.
yes i agree 56 will be a good number to "assume" to fall on the safe side. Even though sometimes less numbers gets through.If you have taken the exam a few times one would be fed up, but for someone who has taken the exam once or twice, it would be useful info.I believe people are fed-up figuring out how many questions one needs correct.
Useful in what way? Study with a goal of getting 56 or 59 or 61 questions and you're setting up for failure. Study with the goal of knowing everything.If you have taken the exam a few times one would be fed up, but for someone who has taken the exam once or twice, it would be useful info.
Useful in what way? Study with a goal of getting 56 or 59 or 61 questions and you're setting up for failure. Study with the goal of knowing everything.If you have taken the exam a few times one would be fed up, but for someone who has taken the exam once or twice, it would be useful info.
The "race" is 80 questions in 8 hours with an hour lunch break. Add an extra hour and a half to account for test proctors being slow.Useful in what way. When you are in a race, wouldn't you want to know how many miles one would need to complete. Knowing how long the race is gives you an idea how to prepare. Knowing everything cannot be accomplished unless you have an IQ close to Einstein's.
Could not agree more!!! As an engineer, one is not expected to know everything. But one is expected to analyze the problem, understand what is being asked and use the references. Anyone aiming for less than 80/80 is kidding himself. For sure, you will end up getting less than that but aim for the max. Setting the goal at 56 does not make sense at all. This is an open book exam! Everything you need to answer all questions is available. In my opinion, this is easier than any closed book exam.The "race" is 80 questions in 8 hours with an hour lunch break. Add an extra hour and a half to account for test proctors being slow.Useful in what way. When you are in a race, wouldn't you want to know how many miles one would need to complete. Knowing how long the race is gives you an idea how to prepare. Knowing everything cannot be accomplished unless you have an IQ close to Einstein's.
You aren't expected to know everything, you're expected to know a fair amount and be able to find the rest in your references. That's why it's an open-book exam. If you study with a goal of being able to do 75% of the questions, you're probably going to fail. Study everything, focus on a depth if it's available in the test you're taking, and know your references backwards and forwards. Then you've got a good shot of passing.
Bean & lihaasa,Could not agree more!!! As an engineer, one is not expected to know everything. But one is expected to analyze the problem, understand what is being asked and use the references. Anyone aiming for less than 80/80 is kidding himself. For sure, you will end up getting less than that but aim for the max. Setting the goal at 56 does not make sense at all. This is an open book exam! Everything you need to answer all questions is available. In my opinion, this is easier than any closed book exam.The "race" is 80 questions in 8 hours with an hour lunch break. Add an extra hour and a half to account for test proctors being slow.Useful in what way. When you are in a race, wouldn't you want to know how many miles one would need to complete. Knowing how long the race is gives you an idea how to prepare. Knowing everything cannot be accomplished unless you have an IQ close to Einstein's.
You aren't expected to know everything, you're expected to know a fair amount and be able to find the rest in your references. That's why it's an open-book exam. If you study with a goal of being able to do 75% of the questions, you're probably going to fail. Study everything, focus on a depth if it's available in the test you're taking, and know your references backwards and forwards. Then you've got a good shot of passing.
Aiming for any particular score is futile. The goal of someone preparing for the exam should be to study as much as is reasonably possible, becoming intimately familiar with reference books. Due to the way NCEES scores the tests, the "cut score" changes every time. All that's known is "70" is passing. Not 70%, not 70/80, not anything other than the mysterious "70."Bean & lihaasa,
I never said to aim for 56. You can aim for 80/80 but you will never acomplish that. Know one is kidding himself or herself in these exams. We are not playing games. I am sure everyone that takes the exam has the intentions of passing it. I think if the information is out there, then why not know. If you do not want to know a ball park passing score, then why are you posting or reading this blog?