Post stuff here you want to post on FB but are afraid to..

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Why won't this Tom McKeon guy friend me? I'm badly in need of stormwater modeling advice!

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this pic reminds me of that time we went skinny dipping

unrelated to ftard, just something I wanted to post on a married school teacher ladies pic at the beach...

Jesus doesn't care about shared facebook posts, just like He never cared about chain e-mails.

Also, Bill Gates is NEVER going to give you $1000, Apple doesn't just happen to have extra iPads to give away, and Southwest tickets are not going to be given to 6 people who "like" this. "It's can't hurt" is the equivalent of "I'm too dumb to know for sure if this is fake, so I'm posting anyway."

And, no one cares that you hiked a mountain.

Post with inspirational messages such as "I'm not the best mom but I am being the best mom that i can" translation: you're a sucky mom....

The only complaints that should be posted on facebook-

1- bad experiences with companies which you want to spread the word about

2- stories that aren't really a complaint but more amusing and posted to make your friends smile rather than to gain their sympathy

3- gigantic rants that are emotionally driven in which you actually include details and cite specifics are acceptable on an occasional basis these should be reserved for car issues (aka, it broke down or someone hit me); house issues such as exploding sinks or falling in roofs; and issues with people you don't like, have never been friends with on facebook and have the sole purpose to drive you nuts (next door neighbors, coworkers, the crazy lady that works at the grocery store)

4- any other post will be subjected to a review depending on your personal posting habits.

Oh- and just because you wrap a silk sheet around yourself does not mean that the photo isn't still a naked prego bell photo, now it just looks like a piss poor attempt at looking sexy to the world while 9 mos pregnant.

you all probably don't see a lot of these but a lot of folks back home I get about 10 a day "No body asked me if I wanted the Braves to move here? I don't want to pay for their stadium" cry cry cry .. probably true but this is just a hard lesson that the people that control local politics (that most no one pays attention to) can F with your life more than W / Barry..

Really, if everyone stopped posting everything that someone has complained about, no one would post anything on Facebook.

Really, if everyone stopped posting everything that someone has complained about, no one would post anything on Facebook.

but it's not a complaint if all it says is

"some people are such jerks, I don't know why I try anymore, boo hoo hoo"

unless of course it's an inside joke which then the vagueness is funny, inside jokes are always exceptions

Really, if everyone stopped posting everything that someone has complained about, no one would post anything on Facebook.

but it's not a complaint if all it says is

"some people are such jerks, I don't know why I try anymore, boo hoo hoo"

unless of course it's an inside joke which then the vagueness is funny, inside jokes are always exceptions
perhaps it was an inside joke that you were on the outside of.

Really, if everyone stopped posting everything that someone has complained about, no one would post anything on Facebook.

but it's not a complaint if all it says is

"some people are such jerks, I don't know why I try anymore, boo hoo hoo"

unless of course it's an inside joke which then the vagueness is funny, inside jokes are always exceptions
perhaps it was an inside joke that you were on the outside of.

naw, that's impossible because I'm everything and the package it came in

Really, if everyone stopped posting everything that someone has complained about, no one would post anything on Facebook.

but it's not a complaint if all it says is

"some people are such jerks, I don't know why I try anymore, boo hoo hoo"

unless of course it's an inside joke which then the vagueness is funny, inside jokes are always exceptions

I meant more along the lines of this entire thread.

the intent of this thread was to vent here at something you cant put on FB -- not to bitch about what you see on FB

for example:

Nice to see all the teachers getting another free week off or as they like to call it "Fall Break".. FU!

the intent of this thread was to vent here at something you cant put on FB -- not to bitch about what you see on FB

for example:

Nice to see all the teachers getting another free week off or as they like to call it "Fall Break".. FU!

I really do want to put that as my status though... including the prego belly part

Isn't it a bit ironic that you post all these "big is beautiful" posts, but then had gastric bypass performed?
