Post stuff here you want to post on FB but are afraid to..

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Sarah Palin's daughter is marrying a Medal of Honor Recipient.. obama's daughters will probably marry this boy:

^- too lazy to make a meme.... ;)

My old neighbor is one of those guys that loves to flaunt how gay he is on FB and then gets enraged when anyone makes a comment on how gay he is because the whole world is homophobic. I'm torn between unfriending him because it's so annoying but his rants can be entertaining at the same time.


He does a live running commentary complete with predicted outcomes for Miss America/Miss Universe

He does a live running commentary for the red carpet for the Oscars, Emmy's, Golden Globes, etc.

Were those examples of something that was supposed to be entertaining?

My old neighbor is one of those guys that loves to flaunt how gay he is on FB and then gets enraged when anyone makes a comment on how gay he is because the whole world is homophobic. I'm torn between unfriending him because it's so annoying but his rants can be entertaining at the same time.


He does a live running commentary complete with predicted outcomes for Miss America/Miss Universe

He does a live running commentary for the red carpet for the Oscars, Emmy's, Golden Globes, etc.

1. I don't live near you.

2. I'm not a man.

Were those examples of something that was supposed to be entertaining?

Those were examples of the types of stuff he posts about and I'm not talking about a post or two about who's wearing what, it'll be 40 or 50 posts non-stop. I have to scroll down 3 or 4 pages before I get to a post that's not him.

Today he posted something ranting about some congressman who had to resign because people thought he was gay and had a "male companion". This congressman put in for reimbursement of 200,000 miles of travel in his personal car that only had 80,000 miles on it and was taking his "male companion" on trips on the Gov't dime, but yeah, let's say he had to resign because he was gay

I had a couple FB friends that just went over the top with too many posts. You can actually "unfollow" them which basically blocks their posts from your feed, but they can still see and comment on yours.

I had a couple FB friends that just went over the top with too many posts. You can actually "unfollow" them which basically blocks their posts from your feed, but they can still see and comment on yours.

Just don't be honest and tell them you don't follow them because then they will probably delete you and never acknowledge you again.

I had a couple FB friends that just went over the top with too many posts. You can actually "unfollow" them which basically blocks their posts from your feed, but they can still see and comment on yours.

Just don't be honest and tell them you don't follow them because then they will probably delete you and never acknowledge you again.
And how is that a bad thing?


"Yes, that's great, you get to travel a lot, you love nature, and you love posting pictures of the beautiful wonders of nature in all the exotic places you've traveled. Great. But the only reason you're able to do that is because your Mommy and Daddy still give you an allowance that's about twice my take home pay each month. You're 38. Get a f'job and go to work like the rest of us."

^- I didn't know wolvie had a FB so now I must go do some stalking!

& I totally agree!!!

Thanks for worrying about my soul!

I have one friend who is extremely religious and tagged me and apparently all of her non-religious friends to read an article on the coming of Zion? Anyway, I politely told her that I appreciate the gesture but that it was unnecessary. What does this one friend decide to do after that? She proceeds to tag me (and others) in additional "save your souls or go to hell" posts. Literally, I wanted to reach through the screen and squeeze her head until it pops!

Between your "some people just hurt me so much" posts, and your "OMG I love you so much best person ever" posts, I'd never be able to distinguish between you and a f*cking 16 year old if it weren't for your ugly profile picture.

You kids are so special. In fact, I am certain that they are the only child on the planet who had mastered shitting on a toilet. Please, enlighten me on how to train my teenagers. Next time you should include step-by-step instructions to guide all of us ignorant fools.

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"Hey Sis, I know you find it ironic that our mother is a raging Tea-Party fanatic and my son is a borderline liberal metro peacenik (btw, so was I at that age), but ever since you posted that comment on how Grammy would be horrified that Junior is going to see POTUS when he's in town because she hates him, there's been a black van parked out in front of my house and I'm a little not cool with you discussing my side of the family politics, third party, in an open forum. Take it down please."

[true story]

[except I made up the part about the black van]
