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Here's the tunnel... Since I figured it was part of the story...


Looks safe to me?

I really think the second bridge I posted must get some form of maintenance, or maybe wood doesn't rot at 11,500 feet as quickly? It almost looked like it had been pressure washed..

What's really cool to me is that before the tunnel there was a hotel, train station, saloon, etc at the top of the pass (@11,000 feet) that had  to be a site to see back in the day..

the tunnel did have a cave in, its not in terrible shape, I don't know why they didn't just blast the rest of the roof away..  The barriers are actually pre cast concrete barriers stood up on their ends and welded together at the top (with a huge rebar)

So in the 1990's during the summer you could drive from Boulder over the mountains to winter park.  Boulder closed the road, they blamed it on the liability of the cave in (but there are many other places you can get hurt driving the road) the real story I heard was they don't like the "environmental damage" 4WD vehicle's due to "climate change" and they like to leave their side of the road as primarily a mountain biking road / area..

It still took us over an hour to drive the 15 miles up the old RR bed, so I guess its not that much of a time saver to get over the mountain.

But it was a neat adventure with some cool history (plus I got to drive the jeep through some mud)

this is all we get for fall "color" but at the amount of cars pulled over to take pictures you would have thought there was a UFO off in the woods..


Weak. I'll be biking up to the Maroon Bells this coming weekend. I'll get some photos while I'm there.

the news talking heads have already started whining that the drought here in New England will negatively impact the leaf-peeping.

We need someone from the Appalachian area to post some actual fall color!

This is the maroon bells yesterday (wife's pic). Still "meh"

I mean don't get me wrong the aspens are kind of pretty (when the sun hits them) but there were people lined up as far as I could see around the road taking pic's of what looked like my first picture, at first I thought I was at Yellowstone and someone saw a beer..  And then when we stopped on the town to get coffee on the way back there were people that had actually travelled to see this? I guess is your from Kansas or Nebraska where there are no trees this is the next best thing, but it was really strange to me..

Taken at Peninsula State Park in Door County, WI (northern part). Great time of year (2015).

