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Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone. I would have to assume NCEES and PCS should be updated any time now.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were manually typing them in. Our results will probably also be inked with a quill pen and delivered by carrier pigeon.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I checked the "Verify a License" for my friend and I and my last name is McMichael and his is Shannon and we both showed up as active.... Are you sure you are typing in Last name in the first box? I made that mistake when I first entered my name a few weeks ago.

Also, I just got off the phone with the board and she said she got an email that the results are being released today and they are sending out letters. She wasn't sure if they would send an email or not but my friend who took it last october got an email telling him where to check on a website. Here is to hoping! Good luck everyone!

No email, no update on NCEES.. I don't get how they post it if not alphabetically.. maybe by location?

I checked for myself and ~5 other people I know that took it there and there isn't anything... took at Monroeville. I guess its possible we all failed but unlikely.
