PAY Cuts!

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2% isnt bad, and at least you get the time off. not that you should be happy about it...

i just heard my first company (which has gone from ~200 people and 4 offices to ~40 people and 2 offices in 2 years) had a 10% cut around january and last week had a 20%. my guess is they havent had raises too recently either. this is in san diego where at least housing has dropped like a rock but pparently rental costs havent so ouch. id be broke right about now. making less than when i got out of college 6 years ago.

Dude... I would need to find a second job!
Did they allow you to reduce the hours worked by 10%?
Well it finally got me... 10% cut. crap... I think I will start looking for that part time job to pick up the slack...

Supposedly we get 5% BACK next paycheck, tghen the other 5% paycheck after that. We shall see.

Well I recently got a 10% cut also. I work in commercial site development. I'm not complaining one bit though. I enjoy what I do, where I work, and the people I work with. It does suck but I'm thankful to have a job making a decent income. It hurts but I'm not going hungry. Hope things turn around for all of us soon!

We are able to "bank" vacation. It's a nice bonus thing to have. We can "bank" 2X what you earn per year. Average YOS of the plant is now at around 25 years and almost everyone is earning 5 weeks vacation. And most have 10 Weeks in their bank.

New policy mandated as of last year. The bank is closed. 1/2 of your bank must be exhausted this year as well as 1/2 next year. Meaning most of the people in the plant will have to exhaust 10 weeks of vacation this year (2.5 months) - or effectively we are staffed at approximately 80%.

No one liked the policy change, but it is helping keep us a float right now when volumes are at 40-50% of what they were compared to a year ago.

Announced last week on top of the "no pay increases this year and probably next year"... was that all hourly worker jobs will be re-evaluated for complexity and job grades may be dropped for certain jobs - that means that on top of no increases for the last 3 years for our hourly workforce, they are probably staring at a pay cut in the next few months.

That's hard to swallow for a lot of 25 year employees who are still 10 to 15 years away from retirement and would probably have a hard time finding a job now due to their skill level and experience.

Oh and gas jumped 15cents in the last couple weeks here.

*SMILE* this sucks, at least it's Friday and the liquor store is on the way home.

New policy mandated as of last year. The bank is closed. 1/2 of your bank must be exhausted this year as well as 1/2 next year. Meaning most of the people in the plant will have to exhaust 10 weeks of vacation this year (2.5 months) - or effectively we are staffed at approximately 80%.
That's how it started for us a few years ago. First we were able to carryover into the next year 2X our yearly earned vacation time. A few years down the road, we could only carryover 1X. A about a year later, we could only carryover 40 hours. Another year later, we can only carryover 20 hours. So the place is pretty much empty the last few weeks of the year.

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That's how it started for us a few years ago. First we were able to carryover into the next year 2X our yearly earned vacation time. A few years down the road, we could only carryover 1X. A about a year later, we could only carryover 40 hours. Another year later, we can only carryover 20 hours. So the place is pretty much empty the last few weeks of the year.
Yeah, or banking ability on vacation is officially over. At the end of next year (2010), we can no longer carry over. To compensate, they allow you all your annual vacation on Jan 1... but, they say you don't "earn" it until the month of (ie. every month, you earn 1/12 of your annual allotment), and they will request a repayment of vacation if you use more than your monthly earnings and they lay you off...

Yeah, or banking ability on vacation is officially over. At the end of next year (2010), we can no longer carry over. To compensate, they allow you all your annual vacation on Jan 1... but, they say you don't "earn" it until the month of (ie. every month, you earn 1/12 of your annual allotment), and they will request a repayment of vacation if you use more than your monthly earnings and they lay you off...
that's a slight bummer.

We're getting our full pay re-instated, and the company will be matching 401k contributions again (up to 5%). Yipppeee!!!! Any one else getting their pay re-instated?

We're getting our full pay re-instated, and the company will be matching 401k contributions again (up to 5%). Yipppeee!!!! Any one else getting their pay re-instated?
Sort of. We didn't get any compensation increases the last 2 years. The talk is that the "annual increase" is on the table and could happen again in 2010. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

I'm going for a new tech grade to get a pay increase. Have to do some justification work for submittal for it, and no guarantee that it'll get approved at the division level, but i can hope right?

If all cards fall into place, I could get the annual increase and a new tech grade increase in the same year.

Excuse me...


Just got cut down to 32 hours per week. Amounts to a 20% pay cut.

Woo hoo..for all my hardwork getting my a "sorry we dont give bonuses anymore, by the way the office did stellar this year but the company as a whole didnt, so no raise either, and you can try submitting an expense report for your test fees and what not but no promises...grrrrrr...

but guess I should be thankful for having a job when so many don't...but figured Id rant anyways....

Woo hoo..for all my hardwork getting my a "sorry we dont give bonuses anymore, by the way the office did stellar this year but the company as a whole didnt, so no raise either, and you can try submitting an expense report for your test fees and what not but no promises...grrrrrr...
but guess I should be thankful for having a job when so many don't...but figured Id rant anyways....
I'm pretty sure that everybody has that attitude right now, but companies are going to have to step up to the plate the second that the economy turns around or they risk losing all of their talent. They are alienating their employees by not offering raises or bonuses during tough times. So if they don't make things right when times are no longer tough, then there will be mass exodus of people looking to make up for lost income.

Woo hoo..for all my hardwork getting my a "sorry we dont give bonuses anymore, by the way the office did stellar this year but the company as a whole didnt, so no raise either, and you can try submitting an expense report for your test fees and what not but no promises...grrrrrr...
but guess I should be thankful for having a job when so many don't...but figured Id rant anyways....
That's why we're here. I got what amounts to a 25% pay CUT for getting my PE.

Which is why I feel bad complaining too much...I hate that for you FLBuff...hang in there only way it can go from here is up


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