Passed the PE? How dd you do it?

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-Remember to stretch, breathe and relax during the exam.

Bring a bottle of water, something to snack on, an extra layer (I took mine in a basement in Vermont, if you're in Florida, feel free to bring a layer to remove.), pack a lunch, take a walk afterwards, and don't forget there's a whole afternoon left.

Does anyone have a copy of the girls notes that were talked about a few times in this thread? I was interested and wanted to get a good starting point.


Does anyone have a copy of the girls notes that were talked about a few times in this thread? I was interested and wanted to get a good starting point.

See post below.

Warning: That girl mentioned above who put those notes together violated copyright infringement laws. Think twice about borrowing (stealing) someone else's material.
*bump* There seems to be several duplicate threads popping up...figured this would be helpful for folks beginning the October cycle.

thank you ! before i started preparing i read them 5 to 6 times. really helpful and most of my references are from these guides .


I took the PE this past April 2014 as a first-timer and I passed. What I did was begin by studying and learning the topics exam topics listed by NCEES. The key is learning and understanding the fundamental concepts, don't get hung up on numeric calculations, but try to understand why an answer is what it is based on the fundamental concepts related to the topic. Also learn the basic fundamentals of how things work, most of this can be found using a book written by Theodore Wildi. After reviewing / learning the topics start solving problems in the NCEES book, make sure you understand the reasons behind the solutions are related to the concepts. Next purchase the Complex Imaginary practice exams and simulate exam conditions by timing the exams and using all of the references you plan to take to the exam. One quick PEoct, what calculator are you using?

okay thank you. i don't know but i think it will make me confuse :lol

You should also consider the TI-36X Pro, it is the TI style interface, but can also handle complex/polar conversions.

[SIZE=medium]Hi all, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] Good morning. I have been studying for the past 4 months may be 8 hours per week. So, I can say I studied around 150 hours till now. I completed most of the topics. I took a sample exam yesterday and was surprised to see only 18 out of 40 got correct and got frustrated after completing around 15 questions. This is the test from Complex imaginary # 2. Now I feel devastated. Someone help me in determining what else I should do. How did you guys do it? In one of the topics I heard that you should be getting around 65 to 70 to pass the actual test. If I can’t even score 50% on a simple exam like CI, I have no idea how I can get close to 80% on the original test. Any suggestion will help me. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Panna [/SIZE]

Don't worry you will get better. Just don't write in book. I did all of the CI & Spin-Up tests about 7 or 8 times. I also did the CI code drill book twice. It was like pulling teeth on the second pass. I probably did the NCEES book 15 times. You should start passing soon.

I would agree with SW. At this point it sounds like the key is repetition. To the point where you are sick of looking at problems. I too did the NCEES book multiple times. Almost to the point where I knew the answer from just reading them. I wasn't trying to memorize the problems, but it ended up that way since I had done them over and over. But it also helped me to utilize my references more effectively and know where things are. Which in my opinion is key during the actual exam. Good luck!

[SIZE=medium]Hi all, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] Good morning. I have been studying for the past 4 months may be 8 hours per week. So, I can say I studied around 150 hours till now. I completed most of the topics. I took a sample exam yesterday and was surprised to see only 18 out of 40 got correct and got frustrated after completing around 15 questions. This is the test from Complex imaginary # 2. Now I feel devastated. Someone help me in determining what else I should do. How did you guys do it? In one of the topics I heard that you should be getting around 65 to 70 to pass the actual test. If I can’t even score 50% on a simple exam like CI, I have no idea how I can get close to 80% on the original test. Any suggestion will help me. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Panna [/SIZE]
The important thing is to really review the problems you missed so that you will correctly answer that type of problem the next time. Don't just understand that particular type of problem but review the different ways it can be asked. You might find that some of your mistakes may be math errors or ones which you knew how to work it but misread the problem. Repetition and make sure you understand what the problem is asking.

Hi Guys,

thanks for the support. I did really miss 3 problems on using 1.732 at wrong locations and missed around 8 simple, silly and dumb mistakes. i do need to understand little bit more and request god to pass me.



The TI-36X Pro and Casio fx-115es are probably the best allowable calculators out there. I used the TI-36X Pro during the PE exam and I used the Casio fx-115es during the FE exam.


The TI-36X Pro and Casio fx-115es are probably the best allowable calculators out there. I used the TI-36X Pro during the PE exam and I used the Casio fx-115es during the FE exam.
Me too....the TI-36X Pro must not have been out when I took the FE, because I remember looking to see which one could do rectangular/polar/complex conversions and would've sided with the TI had I known about it, but landed with the Casio. I bought two TIs for the PE (duty/standby), then tossed the old casio in the "survival kit" just in case. During calculator inspection the proctor commented that I was too prepared.

thank you guys.

will buy one, yesterday i was doing transmission lines problems gosh, it took me 10 min to solve just the polar , complex stuff .. really need to buy.

is it straight forward, i really dnt get along with hi tech stuff lol.

Hi Guys!

Congrats to all those passed the PE Exam.

I'm gonna take the next PE Exam "Electrical Power", on Oct 2014, in Houston, Texas and I'm looking for study mate or group

If you know any body interested email me on this email:

However, If any of you can share with me his notes or materials it will be highly appreciated

Wishing you all the best, Pray for me!!

Have a great weekend,



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