Overall exam- April 2014

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2013
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Well, how did you do? I thought the exam was harder than the NCEES practice exam and Mike's morning practice exam. I was very happy with my preparation and was glad that I studied so much. I did a very poor job with time management, but when it is all said and done I think I'm looking at a 66/80. So, maybe I have 10 questions to play with, who knows. Nothing I can do about it now. I have taken the entire test over again in my head twice this weekend ( no wonder I'm so tired) and just need to move on.

I'm kicking myself over two easy questions that I know I got wrong, but it is behind me now.

anybody else?

Well, not really sure how I did, but ultimately I feel good about it, sort of, well maybe, but I'm not sure. Dammit, have we waited 8 weeks yet? This wait is killing me.

But in all seriousness, I think I might have done okay. All I can say is I really don't want to take another NCEES exam.

And I'm being serious by the way, not just snarky. I took the PS this time around.

I was so pissed during this exam. It was no where near the style of questions as any practice exam that I took. My confidence check says I should squeak by but my doubt is still getting to me thinking I'll be at it again this October.

The afternoon session was a slap in the face, 2 punches and a bucket of hot water dumped on me. I'm tired, I'm worried, I won't stop kicking myself about one easy miss. But somehow, I'm hopeful... Goodluck to all. Someone please direct me to the forum where we can play fun games until June or whenever

I think I did ok. I left feeling confident

but I just found out that the results show my cholesterol is still high.

The afternoon session was a slap in the face, 2 punches and a bucket of hot water dumped on me. I'm tired, I'm worried, I won't stop kicking myself about one easy miss. But somehow, I'm hopeful... Goodluck to all. Someone please direct me to the forum where we can play fun games until June or whenever

Any test takers who took the Thermal / Fluids depth? How did the exam compare to Six Minute Solutions and NCEES sample material?

The afternoon session was a slap in the face, 2 punches and a bucket of hot water dumped on me. I'm tired, I'm worried, I won't stop kicking myself about one easy miss. But somehow, I'm hopeful... Goodluck to all. Someone please direct me to the forum where we can play fun games until June or whenever
LOL....your post reminds me of another very funny exam recap. Hopefully it will give you a good laugh too.

EE - Power. "You sunk my battleship."

Preparation Time/Materials: 250 total hours. 5 textbooks, prep coursework notebook, 2 notebooks of graduate class material, calculators, snacks, rolling suitcase.

Money: ~$1,550.

General Observations: Arrived at my site 30 minutes prior to report time. Noticed that many others had literally libraries and libraries of books. Someone had a giant wagon with bungie cords holding all of the books together. Others just had a single piece of paper. Wild. I randomly started thinking of a national geographic special with narration by Morgan Freeman on PE test taking habits. I needed that laugh to clear my head.

AM Session: Felt the AM session was great. Only ended up with 6-7 that I didn't have a single solid answer or couldn't find it in my reference. I finished slightly early and checked only some of my work.

PM Session: Total unadulterated bloodbath. Couldn't seem to concentrate enough to find the equations I needed. Calculator was spitting out answers that were out of this world. Saw stuff that I barely covered in droves. About 2-3 hours into the afternoon, my brain felt like it had been through a dishwasher and I started hopping around from question to question. Not good. I will be lucky if I got a quarter to half right. I might as well have taken another discipline in the afternoon or gone to work. A monkey may have been able to do better.

Final Thoughts: As I left the exam area, I felt numb, dumb, and a little crushed. I felt like I blew the morning session out of the water. Then the PE got off a torpedo as I was heading to collect my stamp, promotion, and better life. I'm not very good at guessing and doing the math in my head all weekend I kept envisioning a percentage score in the upper 60s with an afternoon diagnostic that simply says "monkey". 6 months of neglecting my wife and family might be for nothing in the end except doing it all over again. I know the pass rate for repeaters is low, but what is the divorce rate?

Oh well. If I recall from a coworker, last years results were released in around 45-50 days following the exam. I think he got his in late May. We shall see. I guess the ultimate decision is now do I crack open another book....or another beer?
The afternoon session was a slap in the face, 2 punches and a bucket of hot water dumped on me. I'm tired, I'm worried, I won't stop kicking myself about one easy miss. But somehow, I'm hopeful... Goodluck to all. Someone please direct me to the forum where we can play fun games until June or whenever
LOL....your post reminds me of another very funny exam recap. Hopefully it will give you a good laugh too.

EE - Power. "You sunk my battleship."

Preparation Time/Materials: 250 total hours. 5 textbooks, prep coursework notebook, 2 notebooks of graduate class material, calculators, snacks, rolling suitcase.

Money: ~$1,550.

General Observations: Arrived at my site 30 minutes prior to report time. Noticed that many others had literally libraries and libraries of books. Someone had a giant wagon with bungie cords holding all of the books together. Others just had a single piece of paper. Wild. I randomly started thinking of a national geographic special with narration by Morgan Freeman on PE test taking habits. I needed that laugh to clear my head.

AM Session: Felt the AM session was great. Only ended up with 6-7 that I didn't have a single solid answer or couldn't find it in my reference. I finished slightly early and checked only some of my work.

PM Session: Total unadulterated bloodbath. Couldn't seem to concentrate enough to find the equations I needed. Calculator was spitting out answers that were out of this world. Saw stuff that I barely covered in droves. About 2-3 hours into the afternoon, my brain felt like it had been through a dishwasher and I started hopping around from question to question. Not good. I will be lucky if I got a quarter to half right. I might as well have taken another discipline in the afternoon or gone to work. A monkey may have been able to do better.

Final Thoughts: As I left the exam area, I felt numb, dumb, and a little crushed. I felt like I blew the morning session out of the water. Then the PE got off a torpedo as I was heading to collect my stamp, promotion, and better life. I'm not very good at guessing and doing the math in my head all weekend I kept envisioning a percentage score in the upper 60s with an afternoon diagnostic that simply says "monkey". 6 months of neglecting my wife and family might be for nothing in the end except doing it all over again. I know the pass rate for repeaters is low, but what is the divorce rate?

Oh well. If I recall from a coworker, last years results were released in around 45-50 days following the exam. I think he got his in late May. We shall see. I guess the ultimate decision is now do I crack open another book....or another beer?
But did he pass?

^ he did end up receiving a passing score. But that recap at the time, had me ROFL! Very well written IMO.

I took a practice test the week before and got 48/80. I went over those errors and did some VERY light studying last week. I feel *much* better about the exam on Friday than the practice exam. I finished both sections with time to spare, and didn't guess on any. I had to make educated guesses on just a few. There were none that were complete stumpers...

I had enough time in the AM to go through about half the questions with a fine tooth comb looking for errors and found 2.

I don't know if I passed but I also don't know if I could have possibly walked out feeling better about it. If I didn't pass, it'll be because of math errors because I walked out feeling that I knew how to set up nearly all of the problems.

Literally LOL'ed at the "I know the repeat pass rate is low but what about the divorce rate?" comment. Wow, yes, months of neglecting wife and kids. Don't want to have to put any of us through it again.

I had less than 10 minutes to recheck. I found two errors right off. I got stumped on a strucural problem that sucked the life out of me. That question, worth a grand total of ........ONE point!!!!! cost me a lot of time. Very silly on my part.

When I found one mistake I started laughing quitely to myself with a big smile because it was so silly. I looked up and the moderator who was sitting directly in front of me was kind of glaring at me. ohh well.


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