This is why I live somewhere with winter.And 1 billion bugs that bite once the sun goes down
Where the air bites instead of the bugs.This is why I live somewhere with winter.
Seaworld -Orlando will have manateesDon't get your hopes up to see a manatee! I remember really, really wanting to see a manatee when my family was visiting extended family in Florida back when I was a little kid. We went to a spot where you were pretty much promised to see manatees, were there for a while, and didn't see one. It was the only chance I was given!
We went to a place where they were just known to like to hang. So looking back on it, I probably shouldn't have gotten my hopes so high. But clearly, it still gets me!Seaworld -Orlando will have manatees
That’s pretty much all they do. Not a lot to see.We went to a place where they were just known to like to hang.