Alright, I think that's it for today.
I will be offsite tomorrow and will post and like when I can.
@DuranDuran PE will update the map as needed.
It looks like we're still waiting on
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
- Rhode Isalnd
- Conneticuit
- New Jersey
- Delaware
- DC
- Georgia
- Ohio
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Illinois
- Mississippi
- Minnesota
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Arizona
- Hawaii
- Alaska
I suspect that DE, ND and maybe AZ has released and we don't know it yet.
Tomorrow we'll probably get results early from MS and TX. Then we'll see results trickle in the rest of the day from DC, OH, KY, TN, MN, SD, and AK.
The New England states will probably release either tomorrow or Friday.
I don't even want to guess how long it may take for GA, IL, and HI. Probably next week.