Nah, I totally get where you're coming from. It supposedly is a "thing" that white people don't use a cloth, which I think is hella gross. Maybe my mom just raised me right, or I was always caked in dirt (probable), but we always had a washcloth or those little exfoliating mitts to get rid of gross skin.
As for people not washing their legs...I could see this being a thing. I mean, so many people I feel just wash their hair/body and think the 'clean' water cleans their legs. I def scrub mah leggie-legs. JK shower routine (because I am a creature of habit and like sharing tmi): Step in, shampoo hair, repeat (if ultra greasy), scrub face/wash with bar soap, conditioner in hair, loofah scrubbie + moisturizer body wash = whole front of body/pits/that nonsense + legs, shave (if needed), rescrub legs after shaving, wash out hair conditioner, use the loofah scrubbie on back to get rid of conditioner residue on shoulders, turn off water and squeeze out copious amounts of water from hair.
Usually takes me 15-20 min if I'm relaxing and shaving. Way less if I am in panicked shower/just want to get to bed shower.