October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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no offense to piano but this is one of the things that I've always liked about mobile instruments. you can literally practice anywhere.
Just popped into my head: I know you're renting, but juuuuust in case MiniRobot has trouble, sometimes a better bow can make a big difference in a so-so violin and it's a cheap but impactful upgrade if you ever decide to buy one. Also invest in good quality rosin (obvious, but a surprising number of newbies overlook this). Good luck MiniRobot! Let the rosin fly!

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Just popped into my head: I know you're renting, but juuuuust in case MiniRobot has trouble, sometimes a better bow can make a big difference in a so-so violin and it's a cheap but impactful upgrade if you ever decide to buy one. Also invest in good quality rosin (obvious, but a surprising number of newbies overlook this). Good luck MiniRobot! Let the rosin fly!
:) many thanks! as you can see, I know woodwinds. Strings are new to me so we will learn together. Grandma Robot played violin for a couple of years as a kid so maybe she can help out a little. This is good info though and I'll definitely keep it in mind.

even though it's a futile exercise, yes I've logged in to my-ncees and yes i'm hitting F5 ever so often... 

i'd rather hit the button and shock myself with the results rather than get an email that I get to mull over and freak out about.
You could F5 to blow of steam. Sample size is small, but Marylanders get the email at the same time the website is updated, so you really don't have to do it. Besides Alabama and Maryland have been tied for the first to release the last few sessions. You'll prolly be one of the first to know in the country.

You could F5 to blow of steam. Sample size is small, but Marylanders get the email at the same time the website is updated, so you really don't have to do it. Besides Alabama and Maryland have been tied for the first to release the last few sessions. You'll prolly be one of the first to know in the country.
good grief. that somehow makes it better and worse at the same time.

even though it's a futile exercise, yes I've logged in to my-ncees and yes i'm hitting F5 ever so often... 

i'd rather hit the button and shock myself with the results rather than get an email that I get to mull over and freak out about.
I somehow preferred the email. 1 big heart attack seemed like an attractive option that many small ones every time the NCEES page is reloading.

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I played trumpet for about 7 years (5th grade thru 12th grade). I enjoyed it but I never took it particularly seriously. My son (13) plays trumpet now. I think he's the same way.

I somehow preferred the email. 1 big heart attack seemed like an attractive option that many small ones every time the NCEES page is reloading.
I'm getting a small one everytime I get an email notification.

And I did log into NCEES once - updated my address while I was there tho! 

I'm trying so hard to cling to the calm cloud...

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