Which types of whiners would correlate to which characters in Arrested Development?Michael Bluth, the well-meaning voice of reason who sometimes screws up. Everyone whining in the other threads are the rest of his family.
Yup. And dude doesnt understand half of what I do so the fact hes the point person with the client is endlessly frustrating. Im so ready to be done with this suite of projects. It was filler work pawned off on mesuper micromanager
I also get ASCE mail. As an EE.ASCE keeps reminding me to renew my membership. I'm like: "DUDE! I'm trying to triumphantly upgrade to full membership at renewal, but need a license number to do it! Quit ruining this for me!"
Haha I hear you, my dog was a demon as a puppy. He was so cute but nearly 8 years later, we still don’t want another puppy anytime soon lol.SHE RAN TONIGHT! LIKE ON LEASH WITH ME! for about 0.25mi. While i was in dress pants, sneakers, a windbreaker and wool sweater (i died). But i wanted to try it out and tire her out. Shes a devil with Boyfriend gone. She also went to the beach and met my coworkers dog. She listened to my coworker recalling her