October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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For this of you in SoCal, there is a segment on KLOS on Monday mornings at 9 with Christian Hand and he breaks down classic rock songs by their audio tracks. Theyre AWESOME. Whats even better is theyre on soundcloud.

Heres the link to my favorite on so far, Steve Millers Take the Money and RUN

 "Take The Money & Run" by The KLOS Sessions



I bought a ton of honey comb yesterday.  So excited!  Delicious to eat on a hot english muffin!  I've discovered this is not something really done in the US and I accidentally have been doing weird things that my Polish grandmother always does.
This sounds really tasty....do you just spread the honeycomb over the english muffin? Is there any butter involved? 😊

This sounds really tasty....do you just spread the honeycomb over the english muffin? Is there any butter involved? 😊
Yeah!  You toast the english muffin, and the wax actually starts to melt/mix with the honey in the comb structure!  As for butter being involved....there is always room for butter to be involved.  My favorite "trash treat" is peanut butter butter bread, where it's regular buttered bread (non-toasted) with creamy peanut butter on top.  Delicious and so bad for you!  😉

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