October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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This thing doesn't even have 500 posts yet? Weak.
I was just thinking that it looks like a whole bunch of people don't want their results before New Years...

Yeah!  You toast the english muffin, and the wax actually starts to melt/mix with the honey in the comb structure!  As for butter being involved....there is always room for butter to be involved.  My favorite "trash treat" is peanut butter butter bread, where it's regular buttered bread (non-toasted) with creamy peanut butter on top.  Delicious and so bad for you!  😉
I will def. have to try this very soon.... uhmm... maybe this weekend! There's a farmer's market that sets up show near my house on Sat. and I'm sure they sell honeycomb ..

It's a slow day on the spam thread, and the forums as a whole. I guess everyone is voting or otherwise distracted by the election?
Hmm..I know for me, I had to take a break from the forum.  I really like talking with everyone, but I was so bummed out from the test that I needed a distraction that wouldn't remind me of the exam.

I've just been actually working...it's a huge bummer on the forum front :(  

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