October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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@Master slacker @RBHeadge PE Thanks!  That's kinda what I assumed, since my dad was like, "no.  fluid only gets flushed/replaced if you have brake work done.  your brakes are fine.  you're driving a corolla.  it'll last forever as long as you don't back into a hydrant".  I'll post it in the thread linked, to see if I can get more info/see if there is stuff I can do on my own to confirm I don't need replacement since this is a super-important SPAM thread and NOT an auto-help thread.  

I forget, were you already in Phase 4?
I'm in a weird phase where I'm now not even thinking about the exam/results due to the end of year coming so fast?  Plus I need to practice a bunch of baking, so I'm more worried about those ratios than beating myself up over results.

It's very odd that the exam took up so much of my thinking power and now I'm suddenly...not thinking about it at all?  Is that even a phase?

I'm in a weird phase where I'm now not even thinking about the exam/results due to the end of year coming so fast?  Plus I need to practice a bunch of baking, so I'm more worried about those ratios than beating myself up over results.

It's very odd that the exam took up so much of my thinking power and now I'm suddenly...not thinking about it at all?  Is that even a phase?
Yeah, stage 6 results. Specifically: pass

Yeah, stage 6 results. Specifically: pass
HA.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,  Yeah, I'm def not at that stage.  I am fairly pessimistic that I passed (I get ultra nervous with tests), but I just feel weird that...I'm just not caring about the results really?  Life will go on if I passed or not, so my brain is just like "get a massage.  bake brownies.  go to that honey festival.  eat the fondue."

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