October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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I need to make lunch...but it's already 2pm.  Maybe I should wait and just have a really big, really late, dinner?


I has a salad.  Sigh.
Salads are the best! Especially with Starkist flavored tuna packets!

I received the survey!

@knight1fox3, according to your Excel spreadsheet, what are my odds of passing if I received the survey the Monday after the exam? 😅
Based on the data I've collected to date, and the highly scientific methodology behind the resultant predictions, see below. :thumbs:


i have chicken and vegetables :dunno:  

I have a lentil wrap and an apple. Would post it in the lunch thread, but I'm more or less a broken record in that thread. I don't eat the same thing every day, but I eat basically the same things every week.

Ahahah we made them ourselves and definitely closer to Taco Bell 😅 But my husband is Hispanic and we live in Texas, so we get plenty of the real thing when we visit his family/all the awesome restaurants around us.
I looooove tacos...

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