October 2016 Spam-athon Thread

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Sounds about the same as the stats in the NMI and Guam, as well as Native American communities.  It's all the result of basing one's diet on processed foods, no fresh vegetables and fruit, and a culture that doesn't value exercise.

Partially done with cleaning my desk.

That's if you count putting open files away.  So far no new filing completed.


If by Freedom you mean picking up one of my kids, taking him for a haircut, going home and making sure my other kid is following her workout program, then cleaning the house in preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving, then yeah I guess "freedom" is at hand.

If by Freedom you mean picking up one of my kids, taking him for a haircut, going home and making sure my other kid is following her workout program, then cleaning the house in preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving, then yeah I guess "freedom" is at hand.
This is why you don't have kids and go to a rental house for the holidays.

My freedom consists of walking to the eye doctor to meet the family, picking up my son's new glasses, and taking him to tennis lessons, but it's better than work.

I've been told that I don't look my age, which is nice and all, but I've been trying to figure out why that is.  I spent 20 years in the tropics, and I figure that has to have something to do with it.  Was it the gentle effects of the humid air on my skin? Was it the 20 years of behaving like a college student?  Was it all the coconut oil rubbed on my body daily by bronze-skilled beauties?

Well, I am thinking of a more relativistic answer:  When you're closer to the equator, your velocity due to the earth's rotation is faster than it is in the more poleward locations that my acquantances and families live in.  Since I was traveling at a speed much closer to the speed of light than they were, what was 20 years for them was more like 10 years for me.  

Or at least that will be my annoying drunk conversation topic for the holiday weekend.

I'll let you all know how it goes.

I've been told that I don't look my age, which is nice and all, but I've been trying to figure out why that is.  I spent 20 years in the tropics, and I figure that has to have something to do with it.  Was it the gentle effects of the humid air on my skin? Was it the 20 years of behaving like a college student?  Was it all the coconut oil rubbed on my body daily by bronze-skilled beauties?

Well, I am thinking of a more relativistic answer:  When you're closer to the equator, your velocity due to the earth's rotation is faster than it is in the more poleward locations that my acquantances and families live in.  Since I was traveling at a speed much closer to the speed of light than they were, what was 20 years for them was more like 10 years for me.  

Or at least that will be my annoying drunk conversation topic for the holiday weekend.

I'll let you all know how it goes.
I get that too.   Maybe it is h3 - I certainly don't act my age. 

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