Episode 1 - Farting Away
Location: Unknown , Time: Present
He had mixed feelings. Happiness and sadness were fighting to gain control but none were having any success. At his office at the top of EB Tower he poured himself a drink and sat in his comfortable chair looking outside…”I do really f’ing hope this is not for nothing.” said to himself in loud voice.
“It will be OK Mr. President”…replied a man at the office’s door.
“Damn it Sapper. You scared me. What are you doing there? Come in and have a drink with me”
“Am still working Sir. Can’t really…”
“Screw you. Do not give me that ****. Come here and get drunk with me. Ahhh…and stop that Sir, Mr. President, and or whatever you still have in that brain of yours crap. Tonight we are two friends having a drink. Am not calling you General”
“As you wish Sir…ehhhhr…Sorry Road Guy”
Sapper prepared himself a drink and stood beside RG looking out. It was late in the night but the city was not sleeping. The early Fall weather seemed to made things comfortable outside.
“We lost good people RG, and others not so good. It happens. Nothing we can do about it now but to keep moving.” Sapper said.
“I know…I damn know. Not used to that. Am just worried about the future. Did we see the last of these f’kers or are they still out there scheming and planning the next move?”
Sapper did not answer. Deep inside he had the same concerns but his years in the military taught him not to let those thoughts be a distraction.
“Let us get out of here and go to the club. I heard there is a good guitarist playing tonight.”
“Good idea. I need to get out of here. Call Dleg and ask him to join us there. Also, call Flyer. Check with the sisters and see if they want to come too.”
“Hey…You said that we are just two friends having a drink here…right?” Sapper replied grabbing his cell phone.
“Yes”…RG answered sensing something coming.
“Call them yourself. Am not your f’ing secretary”
RG laughed and both walked out of the office on their way to the elevators where a young man was already waiting. Sapper, cell phone in hand, made a gesture to him.
“Knight1Fox3…we are going to the club. Come with us” said RG patting the man in the shoulder.
“Good idea Sir. I need the distraction”.
RG gave Fox something similar to what is commonly called a Gibb’s slap in the back of the head. Only thing is that the big ring who identified RG as the supreme leader made it a painful thing.
“Am not Sir tonight Fox. Just RG”
Fox was rubbing the back of his head…”Damn it Si…RG”
Back in time, 9 years before….
A solitary figure was climbing the walls of the rustic structure. It was dark and he was using the night cover to his advantage. Behind him 5 guards laid motionless in the ground.
“This was too easy” he though sensing something was wrong.
And NO…he did not have an arachnid sense or felt a disturb in the force. His stomach making guttural sounds were the sign that there were troubles ahead. But he kept moving forward. He had a mission to accomplish and he was going to do it at all cost. Every now and then he had to stop and relief the increasing pressure on his stomach.
“Geeez…Am going to be detected in one of these. I must have a dead body inside”
Inside the complex, in one of the rooms two very young men, NJMike and Matt267 were held prisoners. Fudgey’s mission was to rescue and take them back to EB Tower. Little they knew how their lives were going to get complicated in a hurry. While best friends NJMike and Matt167 they had no clue that one was going to betray the other. Both were key parts, for saying it like that, on bringing balance and order to a chaotic world. But at the moment they were just waiting their destiny, completely oblivious of why they were there and what was happening around.
“Am wondering what the hell does this skinny weird man want with us.” said Matt
“R-E-L-A-X Dude. If this guy wanted us dead we would be by now. I mean, he killed the others in our group but spared us. He needs something from us. We should use that as leverage” replied Mike in an incredible calmly way.
“You are right. But…What does he want?...We should try to esc…”
Mike interrupted Matt “Shhhhhhhhhh…Are you nuts? Do not even mention that here”
At the moment they heard a noise in outside the room and clearly could tell a body just dropped in the hallway. Then the sounds of a scuffle…a fart…someone coughing repeatedly and desperately…like someone looking for air…and a body hitting the floor again. It was then when Fudgey opened the door and said….
“Here is Fudgeyyyyyyyyyyy…Pack your crap little dudes. Am going to take you home.”
Fudgey got the boys out of the room and soon the three of them were running through the hallway on route to freedom.
“Fox…I have the packages. Send the bird to the extraction point. We are on our way. Ehhh…Hold that for a minute. I think we just hit a bump here”
And they did hit a bump. When they got out of the structure they were greeted by ten guards pointing blasters at them.
“****. I knew this was too easy”
“Drop your weapon…or whatever you have to defend yourself. You are surrounded”…yelled who seemed to be the one in charge of the guards.
Fudgey laughed dropping a blaster he was carrying and saying to himself while looking up and to the sides…
“Any time now dude”
A guard came and grabbed NJMike and Matt267, moving them away from Fudgey. Another one picked up the blaster and put Fudgey against a wall. The others formed a line ready to blast Fudgey away as soon as they got the order.
“We got you son of bitch. This is the end for you” yelled one of them.
“Damn it. I would have loved to kill at least one of those bastards” Fudgey thought.
Suddenly the guard that was with Matt267 and NJMike flew through the air like he was nothing. The one next to Fudgey was lifted from the ground and thrown against the wall.
“Fire away…Kill dah….ahhhhrrrrggggg” said the guard’s leader before being also lifted by the throat by an invisible force.
Fudgey made a movement to grab his blaster but realized there was not time so just closed his eyes expecting death to come. He heard the noise of the blasters firing….and also the sound of a light saber swinging and hitting the coming blasts, guards screaming in pain…then silence. He opened one eye, like someone who is afraid to see what he knows surely is about to see. There he was, in front of him, a man sporting a green light saber with one hand and the other one extended like he was holding something.
“Have to be so dramatic? You could have spared me this and showed up a minute ago.” , Fudgey said protesting.
His savior made a move like releasing whatever he was holding with his hand letting the leader of the guards drop from 20 feet.
“Seriously VTEnviro. This JEDI crap is getting old. Too dramatic. I could have died here today”
“You have some balls. I just saved you and there you are... bitching. You almost killed yourself idiot. Your farts are traceable from a mile away. How do you think they found you were here? What in the blast did you eat? …replied the hero.
“Send the bird now Fox” said Fudgey to a watch-like device on his wrist.
“Negative Fudgey. Cannot do it. Union issues. The bird has no fuel and the guy in charge said he is not refueling it because it would have to be in overtime, and it is not authorized. Go to extract point B and prepare to tele- transport.”
“Cool. Tele-trans. Always wanted to do that” Matt said with a lot of enthusiasm.
VTE’s face was somber. He felt something and was really uneasy. The last time he felt last presence was years ago.
“It can be. He is dead. I saw the plane exploding” he thought.
He quickly re-focus on the task at hand…
“We are not out of this yet. Have to move now Fudgey. More guards will come in no time. Take point…60 feet between each one of us. Let’s go NOW” he said with a hint of urgency on his voice.
From the woods, maybe 200 feet away from the structure, a dark figure was watching them.
“It is inevitable now” he thought with his face showing dislike from what was about to happen.
“Why did you have to come VTE? Why? Now one of us will die tonight”
[SIZE=11pt]To Be Continued...[/SIZE]