Fudgey got the boys out of the room and soon the three of them were running through the hallway on route to freedom.
“Fox…I have the packages. Send the bird to the extraction point. We are on our way. Ehhh…Hold that for a minute. I think we just hit a bump here”
And they did hit a bump. When they got out of the structure were greeted by ten guards pointing blasters at them.
“****. I knew this was too easy”
“Drop your weapon…or whatever you have to defend yourself. You are surrounded”…yelled who seemed to be the one in charge of the guards.
Fudgey laughed dropping a blaster he was carrying and saying to himself while looking up and to the sides…
“Any time now dude”
A guard came and grabbed NJMike and Matt267, moving them away from Fudgey. Another one picked up the blaster and put Fudgey against a wall. The others formed a line ready to blast Fudgey away.
“We got you son of bitch. This is the end for you” yelled one of them.
“Damn it. I would have loved to kill at least one of those bastards” was the first thing he thought.
Suddenly the guard that was with Matt267 and NJMike flew through the air like he was nothing. The one next to Fudgey dropped the blaster, was lifted from the ground, and thrown against a wall.
“Fire away…Kill dah….ahhhhrrrrggggg” said the guard’s leader before being also lifted by the throat by an invisible force.
Fudgey made a movement to grab his weapon but then he heard the sound of the firing blasters so just closed his eyes expecting death to come.
To be continued tomorrow in the All EB time killing adventure while you wait for the results....This Story Really Really Sucks...Not a Prequel...Not a Sequel...