Well-known member
I just received my application approval from the board in NC for the Oct exam! Now, just to pass.. the first time.
If you work for the government it is around $200 for 2 nightsHi everyone. I thought about staying @ the Sheraton, but $400 for 2 nights is too much. I'm thinking about staying at Autolodge, which is .7 miles away for $100.
I am going to take in CA also but I am in Mechanical. I haven't got my both first and second postcards back yet. However, we are going to get no later than 2 weeks before the exam.I am taking it too in CA, but I haven't gotten the postcard back that says I am in. Has anyone in CA gotten their second postcard back yet?
I must say, the cerm practice problems for concrete design is overkill. I gave up on that section. That's the last time I touched the cerm practice problems book. It killed me 2 weeks ago. Speaking of which, I better go back to that book soon & start w/ a different topic.I hear you. The CERM has too many things in it.
LOL..GEEZ..NOW'S ITS 53 days..what the heck!!! lol..I must say, the cerm practice problems for concrete design is overkill. I gave up on that section. That's the last time I touched the cerm practice problems book. It killed me 2 weeks ago. Speaking of which, I better go back to that book soon & start w/ a different topic.
The 56 days left timer clicker is a big help ~!
Work work work everyone !!
LOL..GEEZ..NOW'S ITS 53 days..what the heck!!! lol..
Can you please tell me when did you submit in your application package? So I will know when I suppose to get it.....I send it by 7/10/2009....almost 2 months!I got my first postcard about 1 week after I submitted my application. One of my references told me they called him about a week ago because he left out a date. Hopefully we will know soon.
I made a call on last Wednesday because my 2 postcards haven't send to me yet from CA(I wait for 2 months)...anyway thank god I called because they said one of my reference forgot to check in the box 7 (he sign, provide all information already and he is well qualifed profession engineer) so I tell that reference person and he made his call on Thursday ...just before the long weekend(because they are not work on Friday)........Anyway the person in the CA education board said that I just need to wait for my postcard send to me on the Thursday afternoon!!!!!I don't know when I will received but this is a big progress that I decided to call and find out this message!!....before I was thinking to make my call which the time close to the end of Sep.....I called the California Board of Professional Engineers inquiring about the status of my application and they informed me that I should get my notice 2 to 3 weeks before the exam. How encouraging!!!