Ken PE 3.1
It's wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man
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what better advise can one be givenMike's insight:
Get material ---> sit at desk ---> study you dumb bastard.
All of it except the study part.^ Wait, did Matt follow that advice??
hahahahahaha 30 seconds per post.... hahaha....So Matt has over 35100 posts, if he spent 30 seconds per post, it would take just over 292 hours, nearly the same amount of time recommended by PPI for studying for the PE. Coincidence? I think not.
I think I may have a problem.Don't forget to include all the times spent reading everyone else's posts.
I remember posting something very similar back in the summer of 2008. It's been funny ever since.I found no humor in the original post. I'm sure you are nice person in real life, Ramnares, but you are a sick and twisted individual to be tooling with us like that. I feel like I just got a letter welcoming me to the Jelly of the Month Club...
We're not talking about Viagra here.I bet there's a pill that could help.
I know. Things are hard enough.We're not talking about Viagra here.
Obviously not.I know. Things are hard enough.Just now, Ken 3.0 said: We're not talking about Viagra here.
I was going to ask why NY is the only state that ever has an S after it. As if NY has some other meaning. But now I have to ask why your awesome has an s after it?Got that call back for the interview...awesomes.