Whey has too much cholesterol. Not against it as a protein source at all, I actually like that it's an easy-to-process protein (I have a smol tub for post workout when I sometimes want something creamy and/or if it's an intense session). And I'm not actively trying to restrict cholesterol but if I don't really need to eat it, then I don't. Iono, not a nutrition nerd and I don't need every meal/experience to be a billion percent optimized or anything, haha! Not training for Olympics ova hea. Just need to eat n move on with my day.
Edit: Jumping on @JayKay PE's point about food. I'm with you. Food is primary macro source and shakes n stuff are just for backup/convenience/"topping off". Also, it's expensive.
Yeah, I think the extra cholesterol is...not needed in my diet. I do think I might buy a little tub of plant-based protein for super hard sessions, or something with peanut butter, but most of the time I end up drinking my protein powder as breakfast and not particularly after working out.
I def want to be more 'realistic' with my meal planning and actually try and do it the night before or on Sundays actually get everything together. I'm just super lazy and because my 'meal' tray containers are hiding somewhere, and my normal tupperware is a bit difficult to use for lunch because I never have the right size, I tend to just throw stuff together. I am going to be doing a 'freezer/pantry' challenge for the next couple of weeks (just bought some apples and eggs to get through it), so I'm hoping I can go through some of that and lower waste and be more aware of prepping.
Gym last night: back squats, max reps without a pause (aiming for 15-20 reps) in 1:30. I was sharing with someone, so I only did 99lb back squats. It was super hard because the gym ventilation was being crappy (it's been hot, so AC kicked on, but then it got cooler due to rain, but was super muggy, and the AC turned off), so I had to kinda keep doing a mini-pause just to get a deep enough breath around the 12-13 rep area. Not my max back squat at all, but it was a killer because it was a super fast-paced back squatting. Accessory round was four rounds of: DB bent over rows (did two rounds with 25 lbs, two rounds with 30lbs), lat pulldowns (did this with the green band, so 65lb resistance), and 16 heel taps (I ******* love these). Conditioning...was not fun. We had to do 2-4-6-8-10...etc. for 12 minutes of the following: dumbbell lunge (total), dumbbell shoulder to overhead (total), and mountain climbers (each side). I...foolishly grabbed a blue kettlebell because there were no 20lb dumbbells able for me to grab. The first two rounds were fine, but once I hit 6...Doing 3 lunges on each side was...okay. The 3 S2OH were...getting much harder...and I wanted to die. But I got to, and completed, 14 reps before the time ran out. Other people got to 18+, but they looked totally wrecked because they didn't realize this was and on-going exercise/it didn't end at 18.