Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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when we do go hiking we leave at like 2 am to beat the crowds and then the only part I enjoy is telling people (on the way down) that its only (Total Time Left to Walk/2) hours / minutes to the end...

You should check out Goruck and try one of their "Tough" challenges. I think you have the fitness level to do it. Probably will need to wait until after covid 😁

those look fun but I feel like I got a lifetime experience doing that while in the Army..

And really a lot of these mud runs, spartan races, etc you could do for free with a 4 year enlistment! & bonus you get to carry a weapon and fire some rounds here and there.. :D

So we did a zuchinni lasagna last night that was really good. you peel and slice the zuchinnin thin for the pasta. We used a skillett to cook the zuchinnin "pasta" for a few minutes, to make it more edible, everything else was regular lasagna ( ground beef, sausage, eggs, etc) but it was weird it was really good.had seconds even.. and the teenagers ate it!

Yesterday was back squat and strict press.  Strict press I think I got over 20lbs?  Def lifted more than I did last week.  Back squat I got 10kg+25lbs on each side (too early to convert weights).  Lol, I still feel intimidated by the other girls in my class who can lift more, but I'm slooooooooowly catching up.

I def need to start keeping a little journal documenting my lifts/weights, but also at the end of class I'm so exhausted that I barely remember to grab my backpack, much less get on my phone and document what I'm doing.


Im sure there are apps you can get that track that stuff?

When I was working out at the globo gym I would use the notepad feature on the phone.

I am glad our gym does Wodify, its super heplful I can see what my last lift was at certain movements - its even seperates out  box squats from regular squats, etc

I still use a mini spiral bound notepad.  Faster to jot things down right after a set than f'ing around with an app.  I'll put a star or asterisk next to anything of importance so I can find it quickly when flipping through.

I didn't track anything for my first year of XFit. I was just trying to finish and survive each workout. After that I started tracking when I became more concerned about actually improving my performance. I just use a Google spreadsheet.


Yeah, I think that's a good idea.  I want to get to a solid six months before I start tracking, especially since I'm still learning the movements in some cases (my back squat was completed for the third time and my legs felt great).  That would actually work out good since I started in June, meaning I'd hit six months in January, so it could be part of my new years resolution: start tracking my numbers more + get a single unaided pullup

+1 for the spiral notebook. I tried spreadsheets, apps, etc. but I can put whatever I want in the notebook. Weights, measurements, lifts, etc. in whatever format I want. 

+1 for the spiral notebook. I tried spreadsheets, apps, etc. but I can put whatever I want in the notebook. Weights, measurements, lifts, etc. in whatever format I want. 
I feel you, but I like the searchability of a spreadsheet. It's easy for me to search for all power cleans (for example) and see how I'm (not) progressing. :)

I feel you, but I like the searchability of a spreadsheet. It's easy for me to search for all power cleans (for example) and see how I'm (not) progressing. :)
Makes sense.

What I end up doing is logging my reps/sets as I complete them during my workout in the notebook:

[weight]: [reps], [reps], [reps], etc.

I suppose I could put it in a spreadsheet, but I guess for what I do it works out well with a notebook. My exercises are the same each week, and follow a weight progression. I used to just print out the plan which could be like 6-12 weeks long and just check off as it's completed, but I ended up just keeping it in Google sheets and looking at what I need to do for the workout, then writing down what I actually did during the workout in my notebook. If my works were more sporadic like crossfit, it would definitely harder to go through a notebook to find what the last weight was that I used on a specific exercise.

Well I dont have to input anything at all ;)   the dude and dudettes that run the class enter the data..

But I like that I can export it to a spredhseet and see what progress is being made, since in the cult we dont do much the same week to week I sometimes have a hard time remembering the last weight I did with a movemnet and then maybe if I have to do 50 box jumps for one part then maybe I shouldnt go heavy on the next part. 

I originally started this spreadhseet for the wife since didnt feel like she was seeing progress but then it was pretty neat to see actual progress & you can make charts too :D


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