So did the CycleBar class with the wife last night
I am not sure how anyone could do this more than once a week - last time we did it as a group from our gym and had a much less "pumped" instructor & we all sort of didnt really follow the class structure.
This time I was the only dude, the only person not wearing yoga pants and a sports bra only - I also think I was the only person drenched in total sweat - so in typical XF fashion once the t shirt was drenched I took it off, to a few cheers (laughingly) from the other class members and a look of pissed off annoyance from the wife.
This instructor was totally into this and it looked crazy, she was screaming with a headset on and it made it hard to hear, I tried to follow along..
The good thing is that the room was 64 degrees and dark. But I dont get all the biking plus try and do push ups and dancing on the bike, every time I tried I kept getting unclipped from my pedals and nearly fell off the bike - so I just cranked the resistance down and "biked" - I was up near the top of the score board because I think it tracks watts or something.. The legs were pretty sore afterward but I never felt "winded" like doing 30 Thrusters or something..
After class the instructor came over and said "lots of guys that do this class just bike and you dont have to try and do the "dance moves" - gee thanks!... must have been obvious
The things you do to try and make a marriage work