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I saw Rendition maybe 4-6 months ago, and I honestly can't remember much about the ending. But I do remember watching the documentary that was included with the DVD, about some guy from Germany (I think?) who was detained in Afghanistan, then brought to Guantanamo, tortured, etc. etc. and the ultimately released without so much as a "sorry we ****** up" from the U.S. government. That documentary turned out to be the main inspiration for the story. Disturbing stuff indeed.

I went to see Valkyrie earlier this week. Obviously everyone should be able to guess the outcome of the attempted assassination of Hitler (except my wife who apparently knows nothing about history), but even so, the movie does a good job of keeping up suspense and also showing how the plan ultimately just fell apart. Nice to be reminded, too, that there were plenty of "good" Germans who resisted the Nazis. But Tom Cruise still sucks.

But Tom Cruise still sucks.
I heard the plan fell apart when Cruise jumped up on Hitler's desk and told him not to take any psychiatric medicines.

Then they both started dancing around in their underwear.

Am I close?

I saw Rendition maybe 4-6 months ago, and I honestly can't remember much about the ending. But I do remember watching the documentary that was included with the DVD, about some guy from Germany (I think?) who was detained in Afghanistan, then brought to Guantanamo, tortured, etc. etc. and the ultimately released without so much as a "sorry we ****** up" from the U.S. government. That documentary turned out to be the main inspiration for the story. Disturbing stuff indeed.
In the movie they never did explain how or why the phone calls from the number of the terrorist under surveillance were on the guy's phone log and both he and the terrorist were Egyptians. So they never said specifically that the guy was innocent. They also never said how the "story" was received by the public nor did they never said what happened to the CIA analyst.

I went to see Valkyrie earlier this week. Obviously everyone should be able to guess the outcome of the attempted assassination of Hitler (except my wife who apparently knows nothing about history), but even so, the movie does a good job of keeping up suspense and also showing how the plan ultimately just fell apart. Nice to be reminded, too, that there were plenty of "good" Germans who resisted the Nazis. But Tom Cruise still sucks.
Might have to watch this one. I haven't yet because Cruise sucks.

^I seem to remember having the impression that the calls from the terrorist were just repeated wrong-number mistakes, you know like how I constantly get people calling my desk, thinking it is the agency receptionist, simply because they unknowingly switch around the last two digits (01 vs 10) with their fingers.

Saw 'The Spirit' yesterday - was entertaining; and the director paid good homage to Eva Mendes's ass, which is certainly a plus.

It was good, kind of reminded me almost of 'Who framed Roger Rabbit' meets Bat Man or something.

Saw Knowing today. It was terrible. The story-line was ho-hum and the ending got weird. The camera work was jiggly and made me nauseous.

watched "role models" last week, it was pretty good

We have been watching the HBO series that was canceled Lucki Lui on dvd, pretty crude but defin. my kind of humor..

See went to see Watchmen about a week ago. I understand the R rating now...very bloody and very graphic movie. Exploding people, people getting their wrists sawed off. Can't forget dr. manhattan's blue phallus enjoying the fresh air for 96% of the movie.

^I heard about that from a reltive of my wife. She said "whatever you do, don't take the kids".

I haven't seen anything good in a long time. My son is going through a phase where he wants to go with us to the movies, so we want to encourage that (after a pahse of never wanting to elave the hosue, I think this is healthier). So we have been seeing movies like The Pink Panther 2 (sucked), Race to Witch Mountain (sucked), etc. But I'm looking forward to Monsters vs. Aliens....

See went to see Watchmen about a week ago. I understand the R rating now...very bloody and very graphic movie. Exploding people, people getting their wrists sawed off. Can't forget dr. manhattan's blue phallus enjoying the fresh air for 96% of the movie.
If Neitzsche wrote a graphic novel, it would be The Watchmen. Rorschach is the Ubermensch.

My movie comes out next month.

It is of course AWESOME.

Linky describing how AWESOME the Wolverine movie is, as in completely awesome

Who knew that I could be so awesome. Heh heh, well ME of course!

"But back to "Wolverine": this is the prequel to the first "X Men" movie. Directed by Gavin Hood, the film is as cutting edge as it is old fashioned. This may be the big blockbuster film of 2009, and one we really need right now. It’s miles easier to understand than "The Dark Knight," and tremendously more emotional. Hood simply did an excellent job bringing Wolverine’s early life to the screen."

He doesn't actually use the word "awesome", but it is definitely implied.

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Saw "I Love You Man" last night. Very funny, very true film about male friendship. Some incredibly painful scenes to watch, too, as the lead character tries to develop the "skills" necessary to make friends with other guys (he's only ever had girl friends).

I am ready for Taken to come out on DVD, I have heard mostly good stuff about it.

Also looking forward to seeing the new terminator movie next month, even though that christian bale guy seems to be a total tool in real life (when he went off on some poor microphone guy onset)

^Taken was pretty good. I'm usually not a big fan of action movies, but that one actually kept my interest.

went to see the fast and the furious yesterday afternoon. Not the best plot but a good action races, explosions, and for some of you guys out there lots of girls kissing other girls.

Not exactly a famliy movie, but there was family at the theater with kids like 18/24 months, 4, 5 and 6 yrs old. That was probably an interesting ride home, Daddy why were those girls kissing?

went to see the fast and the furious yesterday afternoon. Not the best plot but a good action races, explosions, and for some of you guys out there lots of girls kissing other girls.
Not exactly a famliy movie, but there was family at the theater with kids like 18/24 months, 4, 5 and 6 yrs old. That was probably an interesting ride home, Daddy why were those girls kissing?

In the words of Stewie Griffin, "It's got me feeling all frisky. I've got a half a pack of Rolaids in my diaper."

Wolverine: Have you seen the pirated release of the movie yet that circulated online? Word on the street says it sucks the big one. I'm hoping not.

Not a new movie, but I unfortunately rented Be Kind, Rewind as it was on my Netflix queue. It's now up there on my top 5 worst movies of all time list. They somehow managed to make Jack Black even less funny than he already is, and whoever thought that "Mos Def" should be given an acting role deserves an unimaginably painful death.

Wolverine: Have you seen the pirated release of the movie yet that circulated online? Word on the street says it sucks the big one. I'm hoping not.
That's just a reverse psychology media marketing plan the studios are putting on right now. They're making you think it sucks so that when you actually see the movie, the contrast between expectation and the true awesomeness will be that much more profound. It's quite clever really.

Actually, I saw the trailer and was not so impressed, which is why the positive review gave me hope. Perhaps I should get my expectations back in line with reality. C'mon, a guy with mutant healing powers and claws that come out of his hands, facing an antagonist who's only weapon is really sharp fingernails? Okay, I'm skeptical...


Sadly, the dorks on G4 who saw the leaked version were putting it on par with the crappier movies from the X-Men series.
