Studying Half Fast
Yeah, Fantastic Four hasn't been all that great, except for Jessica Alba of course.
Iron Man looks like it is gonna be really good.
Iron Man looks like it is gonna be really good.
I didn't know what either of those were so I wikipediaed (is that a word?) it.I'm torn about the Wall-E movie...if they are just trying to recreate the whole Johny-5 experience, then I don't want to see it.
Yeah, Pixar's stuff is always good. I saw Ratatouille. Now that I think about it I recall seeing a trailer for Wall-E in the theater, I just didn't remember the name of the robot.I think Wall-E will be good. Pretty much everything released by Pixar comes out good and original. Ratatouille was a pretty amazing film in that regard.
What's your problem with penguins!
Nature, red in beak and claw... and hip deep in crap.I like penguins, too.
^ Did you see Atlantis last week? Teal'c has hair to his shoulders!We were avid stargate watchers until the end of seaon 9 then we moved and didn't have cable. Hopefully we can now catch up with the reruns before the movie comes out. Telc having hair is weird!
Clooney? Yeah.Michael Clayton: Excellent! George Clooney lawyer thriller - very good, most excellent "revenge" at the end. I highly recommend it.