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Nope--not kidding at all.
I really enjoyed the movie. What happens to a star in the twilight of his career? How does he deal with the life moving forward when he perhaps doesn't want to? What happens to a fighter that doesn't (or can't) fight?

I even enjoyed the relationship between Rocky and his son. There was a bit of pining for Adriane, but it really helped build the ethos of this warrior at a very different point in his life...

Its not a 5 star film, but I would give it a solid 4.

Seriously, I think you should attempt to e-mail your review to Sly. If he reads it, I'd bet he'd respond.

Did you see the new Rambo then? What were you thoughts about that one?
not yet. but I intend to. Will likley just wait until it hits cable. Rocky Balboa is now on the cable channels, so I suspect the new Rambo will not be far behind.

Hooray! My local movie theater just announced that it will re-open in time for the new Indiana Jones movie! You folks probably have no idea how happy that announcement makes me. And it doesn't have anything to do with the choice of movie, although I do want to see it. I'm just happy that we have a movie theater again.

The only other time we didn't have a theater was during the first few months when I moved here in 1995. After that, someone re-opened the old, 1970s-era one-screen theater. I remember it well. The first movie they showed was Disney's "Pochahontas", and their advertisements in the newspapers featured the line "no more rats!" (which wasn't entirely true). There was maybe four showings a week, and you ahd to show up close to an hour early to be able to get a decent seat in the balcony - the floor was dominated by kids, and you couldn't even hear the crappy, mono soundtrack down there.

When the new theater opened in 1999, with seven screens, surround sound, and reclining, high-back seats, it was like we had moved into the new century four months early. The first movie I saw there was "Mystery Men" which was pretty mediocre, but it was such a momentous event around here, that I kept the ticket stub and still have it stuck to my refrigerator door. When the theater closed last month, my wife and began discussins about moving away. Now, we no longer have that as a reason for moving.

Ironman was very good. After I saw the movie I heard that at the end of the credits is some footage about a spinoff or some such. Anybody sit through the credits?

Lesson learned... sit through the credits. As bad as Meet the Spartans was the best part of the movie was at the end of the credits. Lots of celebrity imitators got thrown in the pit... and there was the scene where they dined, not in hell, but in Hooters.

No Indiana Jones comments? Well, I liked it! Cate Blanchett was really hot as a dark-haired murderous Russian spy chick.

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No Indiana Jones comments? Well, I liked it! Cate Blanchett was really hot as a dark-haried murderous Russian spy chick.
I have seen mixed reviews - but what do reviewers know??

If you would say there was a down-side to the flick - what would it be?


Okay, I know all regular people saw Million Dollar Baby years ago, but I recently saw it on TV. It was awesome. If you haven't seen it, it's worth renting from the $2 rack.

I have seen mixed reviews - but what do reviewers know??
If you would say there was a down-side to the flick - what would it be?

Well, let's see. It certainly follows the same formula as the earlier ones, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but yeah, maybe that would be a downside.

I had heard all the bad reviews from the media folk, which I never listen too because they feel they have to say clever and witty things, which usually translates into trashing whatever it is they are reviewing just so they can seem clever.

I honestly did enjoy it. At no point do you get the feeling that Indy is too old and crotchety for the job.

Ok, what about the Prince Caspian Narnia flick?

I am sorry to say that during the long long battle sequence I fell asleep. :smileyballs: Halfway through the battle I was thinking that this reminded me exactly of the extremely long (and boring) battles in Lord of the Rings.

Apparently I am the only person in the world who thought Lord of the Rings could have been transformed into a masterpiece if they had left half of it on the cutting room floor. I think Peter Jackson can't bear to cut any of his precious footage. Lots of people tell me they would have like LOTR to be even longer.

Also, who thought of the walking tree bit first? Sinclair Lewis or Tolkien?

The four high kings and queens (the four kids) were rather bland and unexciting in the Narnia flick. The first flick was much better, although more for the kiddies. This one was more blood and guts, more for adults and had less magic.

Anyway, I plan to atone for my wayward ways. After I see one of the upcoming movies I'll sneak into Narnia and watch the second half.

Im going to describe a scene and you tell me if its from a much hyped Oscar type film or from a Three Stooges movie:

Person A tricks Person B into screaming like a dumb jackleg. Person A then slaps Person B around and chases him around a BOWLING ALLEY while throwing bowling balls at him. Person A then proceeds to beat Person B with a bowling pin. Sounds funny right???? Gotta be a Three Stooges movie right????

Yeah well its a scene from There Will Be Blood. One of the worst movies Ive seen in a long time. What a flaming dung heap of plastic that DVD was.

^I liked "There Will be Blood", except for the end. I actually laughed out loud at the end, and couldn't help but imagine the theme from Benny Hill playing in the background. I think I kind of understood the point later on, well after the movie, but I still think that it's a sign of utter failure as a filmmaker to throw the viewer completely out of the suspension of disbelief like that.

But aside from that, I thought the movie was excellent. The first 15 minutes was outstanding.

I saw the Indiana Jones movie this weekend. I loved it. But then again, Indiana Jones is probably my favorite of the big Hollywood blockbuster series.

If it had a weakness, I guess I would say that it was too many laughs. Maybe it's just because I was a kid at the time, but I remember (and still view) the original Raiders movie as being a bit more serious, especially the action sequences. Also, there was hardly a drop of blood visible in the movie, which always amazes me when there are dozens of people being shot, eaten, and otherwise maimed. The originals were far bloodier, which I suppose I enjoyed. But don't get me wrong - as I said, I loved it.

I also saw Iron Man last night, and enjoyed it quite a bit. But, I think the overblown reviews kind of wrecked it for me. I was expecting more, but it was still good.

Put me squarely in the camp of those who really didnt like the Indiana Jones movie.

There were many things that I didnt like about it. (Umm snake-rope anyone?)

But the engineer side of me REALLY didnt like the magnetized gold part.

^Hey, even Indy commented on that. That was purely due to the special powers of the crystal skull.

The snake rope was hilarious. Come on!

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We just got back from seeing Crystal Skulls. I'd say it was a typical indiana jones movie. Not bad, but not the greatest movie of all time. It was fun and enjoyable to watch. those ants were a little creepy though...a little too Mummyesk for me.

The snake rope was funny!

Yeah, it was an Indiana Jones movie... Keep your expectations to that level. I thought it was funny and entertaining. On par with the other movies. I enjoyed it.

I still need to go see Iron Man. My wife's not interested in going to see it. Maybe this weekend?

Put me squarely in the camp of those who really didnt like the Indiana Jones movie.
There were many things that I didnt like about it. (Umm snake-rope anyone?)

But the engineer side of me REALLY didnt like the magnetized gold part.
Seems to me that I saw a show awhile back that anything can be influenced by a sufficiently strong magnetic field. I believe they showed a frog being levitated by a magnetic field. Can't remember if the frog survived or if his kids had extra legs. If you had a mysterious crystal alien skull, then presumably it might have an extremely stong magnetic field.

Narnia Part Deux, Review Part Deux:

Well, my nefarious plan was a success. I saw a movie over the weekend and then sneaked into the Narnia Prince Caspian flick afterwards and watched it. I had fallen asleep halfway thru the Narnia flick the first time.

It was better on second viewing, and I didn't fall asleep this time. I guess I was just really tired the last time.

The first movie I watched was Strangers. DO NOT see this movie. It is probably the worst movie I have seen in the last 10 years. It's hard to believe Liv Tyler would appear in garbage like that. It doesn't even deserve straight to DVD status.

The previews for There Will Be Blood kept me away from that flick. I might have liked it, who knows. After reading FusionWhite's description of the manic bowling alley scene I think I'm glad I stayed away.

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