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Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and I've just started studying for the Environmental PE Exam October 2011 Session.

Good luck to you all!!

Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum and I've just started studying for the Environmental PE Exam October 2011 Session.

Good luck to you all!!
Welcome! Make sure to check out some of the 'stickied' threads for ideas on references and where to get started. Good luck!

Hi guys,

BS Interdisciplinary Studies: Biology, Geography, Philosophy (from UMBC)

MS Environmental Engineering & Science (from Johns Hopkins)

6-7 years of environmental science experience. Started out in Land-development & permitting for storm-water management, mostly as a GIS analyst/intern. Later got into the asbestos/lead/indoor-air quality business, with some sub-surface site-characterization & construction inspection/management in there. Now I mainly do site characterization and remediation (aquifer air-sparge, soil-vapor extraction, in-situ bio-enhancement etc...).

Passed my FE in April 2011.

I work in Alexandria VA and live in MD. I hope to qualify to sit for the NCEES P&P exam next year (I'm taking it easy). MD is pretty strict for us non-ABET undergraduate degree holders. I really hate the experience part of the application because of all of my jumping around companies in the enviro/health&safety-business has made it complicated.

Fortunately, my experience makes a lot of the hazardous waste, Heath and Safety, and sampling questions that a lot of colleagues here have trouble with, intuitive for me. Although I love solving "fluids" problems, it never seems to apply to what I do. The calcs for remediation designs are so loosy goosy, you kinda size and round up to the closest available skiff mounted modules, like a S, M, L, & XL. And maybe you tweak the PLC and valves to push and suck air into the ground at a psi of 3-9. Would love to get deeper into this, but would also like to get into water/wastewater treatment as well.

Look forward to contributing.

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Hey folks,

B.S. and M.S. in Civil/Environmental Engineering here. Was in an NSF fellowship PhD program, but decided it just wasn't for me. Currently looking for employment in environmental or water resources and beginning my preparation for the PE. Looking to be ready by this October. GL everyone!

Hey! First off, thanks to everyone who posts their impressions of the exam, how they studied, and what references they bring. It's very much appreciated.

I just submitted my application to NY for the April 2012 exam. Fingers crossed it's accepted, because I know a lot of coworkers who were denied on their first try.

Good luck to everyone taking the exam on Friday. Oh, and if any of you pass and have reference materials you want to sell, let me know!

Hi everyone! B.S. in Civil Engineering w/ a military background in Environmental Science and Engineering. After a little over 4 years in the Army seperated and found a job in the EH&S field. Just completed my CSP and finally got the motivation to apply for and be approved for the April PE. Hopefully will lead to an employement change.

Was wondering if anyone out there has used the University of Delaware distance learning course. thanks

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I didn't take the University of Delaware distance learning course but I did watch their videos and accompanying lecture notes. I thought it was an excellent refresher and the showed many helpful tips and tricks I used during the PE exam. I have been out of school for 10 years and was worried about getting up to speed but the videos really helped cement some key concepts that I was fuzzy with. If you use them, be sure to complete all the assignments they provide. I also used the PPI materials and did every problem I could find. Ive read on this board that you should get 300-400 hours of study in before the exam if you want to feel comfortable. After taking the exam the first time this October, I think that is about right!

Hi everybody. I'm a B.S. Biological Engineering/Environmental Emphasis. I graduated from in Dec 04. I recently just passed my FE Exam ( Oct 2011). I worked for three years in the HAZ waste field before joining the State Environmental agency where I currently write Env Permits ( NPDES, Title V., Synthetic Minors, Pretreatments, and Stormwaters). I will be sitting for my PE in October 2012. Anybody have any pointers for me.

I have a similar background and passed the FE and PE the first time back to back. Check the pinned advice thread for some great tips. I selected the books I wanted to take to the exam by comparing the comments and finding the most frequently recommended books to cover the range of sections on the exam. Then I read the EERM cover to cover, watched the University of Vermont and NC videos and worked hundreds of problems. As I worked problems and found I needed an additional reference to clarify, I purchased it. The PPI and NCEES material worked great but there still may be more material on the exam. Use the NCEES recommendations as a guide for information you should be familiar with. Study religiously and you will make it. Engineer Boards is a fantastic resource for information and questions as you progress.

I like the UV and NC videos and course notes so much, I am going to sell the videos but I will make a copy of the course notes for future reference as I found them very useful. Though expensive new, I was able to purchase them both used for a slightly reduce cost and I'm glad because they compliment each other well. Passing the first time is worth a little extra cost for me...

Best of Luck!

Hi from Northern NY.

I've been putting off writing my application for a long time, but this week I finally forced myself to sit down and get it done. In fact, I literally just finished stuffing it into envelopes and it will go in the mail tomorrow. What a relief!

Anyway, I've poked around here a tiny bit, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the great info. I'm not sure If I'll take the exam in October or next April, but I'm going to start reading more and getting my references ready.

Thanks again!

Good luck! Completing the application, and the psychological commitment that represents, is probably the biggest step in the process.

Hi, I'm looking to take the PE exam this October. My goal is to pass the first time.

I have a B.S. in Environmental Engineer (MTU) and am working on a M.S. (WSU). I have been out of school for 4 years. I work as a consultant and luckily, get to work on a wide range of environmental projects including remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater, hazardous waste management and RCRA inspections, geotechnical drilling and design, building assessments for asbestos, lead, mold, and PCBs, construction contractor health and safety oversight, computer programming and data management, and a little air emissions permitting and tracking.

Greetings to All!

Shooting for taking the Environmental PE in the Fall of 2013. Currently overseas with DOD and look to test in Korea. Will probably register with Oregon as others here have done the same and it has worked out as a Special Accomodations testing site. Not sure what other States I could also register with instead of OR if another State is "better" to get a PE within. No set Home State so no preference. Been out of school for more than 20 years (BS ME and ME EnvE), passed the EIT way back then. Have not taken the PE yet, many reason why not....need to check that block now though. Been searching the EB and it loks to be very informative. Scratching my head if I should go through an online course or not; like the ability to have help focus since its been so long from school. Been working the Env field for almost 20 years in many areas so have a good foundation. Any guidance is much appreciated. Good luck to everyone and Happy New Year, Hopefulyl this wil be Year of the PE!

Welcome! You should do fine. I also have a BS ME and I took the PE Env. exam about 16 years out of college, but I didn't have a masters degree so you should be able to do quite well. I was able to study and pass on my own just using the reference manuals and practice problems to guide my study, along with the appropriate text books. But hey, anything that helps - if test prep courses on DVD or on-line had been available at the time I took the exam, I probably would have gone for it.

Good luck!

Also, if taking the exam in Korea doesn't work out for you, you could consider Guam. I took the exam there (proxied for another state), and I met two DoD engineers from Korea who were also there to take the exam, proxied for Oregon, I think. I had not heard that you could take the exam in Korea - that might be a new thing.

Hi, new member here. Just introducing myself... I've been out of school for around 10 years now (degree in Civil Engineering, with lots of extra Environmental Engineering courses). I passed the FE exam right after college. Since then, I've worked as a consulting environmental engineer (mostly in air), as well as (more recently) at a small-ish construction/contracting company handling construction management and basically any environmental issues we encounter.

I recently decided to take the Fall 2013 Environmental PE exam. In reviewing some materials (Lindenberg's reference manual and sample questions; NCEES sample questions book), I'm a little nervous about the exam - mostly due to the wide variety of material covered. I have a lot to brush up on over the next few months! I signed up to take the School of PE online prep class which starts in September. I'm currently looking into what I can/should do to prepare prior to the School of PE prep class.
