My shed's infested with flying squirrels. . .

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It just so happens that my best friend has spent the last six years studying flying squirrels and she now has her PhD. Here is her response:
"They need to figure out where they're getting into the shed and stuff the hole with steel wool. Wrapping the steel wool around a mothball would also be a good idea. They don't like the smell. Before or after finding the hole, they need to trap them and put them outside. They can probably get small box, live-traps from the local humane shelter and then should bait the traps with a mixture of peanut butter, oatmeal, and molasses (it should be the consistency of cookie dough - sticks to itself and isn't too crumbly and is dark from the molasses)."

She also said you can e-mail her...PM me for the address if you want.
The mothball trick also works to repel skunks. Skunks used to get under my grandma's house in Oklahoma every winter. It was my duty to trap them, and dispose of them. We had less problems after using mothball around all of their favorite enterance places.

Hey csb - What's she currently doing with that degree? Small mammal research kinda stuff?

The reason I ask is that I know some people that have done PhDs in some wacky sounding stuff, and I wonder just how they are going to turn that into a career. It's probably just that I don't know the specifics of their indsutry, but I still think, "You can a high paying job doing that?!?!?"

A good buddy of mine got his doctorate in bubbles for cryin' out loud.

it's probably synthetic. collected once, reproduced in lab, then mass produced for sale. You'd be amazed how often synthetic pee shows up in things like lotion or other beauty products.
So are you saying there might be some credibility to the whole '*************' thing? Isn't real better than synthetic?

Day 1 since 'flying squirrel detox' - No little Rocky's bombing around the shed, affectionately known as the "Leanin' Larry" - my father-in-law built it, as a quasi-preretirement experiment to see if simple home construction would be a 'fun' thing to do after retiring from some 30+ yrs at a local foundry. He wasn't too accomplished in the carpentry area - Anyways, I seeded the eaves & base boards w/ moth balls this afternoon, saw some more areas that could use some repairs - should be the end of the flying squirrel circus anyways, with no bloodshed or loss of life! :w00t:

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If they come back, set up a pan of antifreeze in the shed.

If you go the BB gun route, get a spring gun. Its gonna be about 100 bucks, but the exit speed is 1100fps vs 700fps. I can shoot mine through both sides of a CAB can full of water.

I can shoot mine through both sides of a CAB......can full of water
whew. you had me worried here for a second

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This sounds similar to a crab infestation I had once. I just placed some mothballs around the area, and the crabs were driven away by the smell.

And just because I know you guys think this is just some sort of clever or even juvenile double-entendre response again, I am dead serious. I lived in a coastal area for a while and there were land crabs everywhere, and they would come burrow under everything. Nothing creepier than to go out to the shed at night and see a whole bunch of 8-inch crabs crawling around your equipment.

I'm so glad this worked!

My friend is currently doing post doc research and trying to get jobs. Not the best time to get a job. She wants to teach and has applied on an education spot with the Game and Fish.

Flying squirrels in glide are cool to watch. They are incredibly light little guys. I got to help her with the study group she had and they are quite personable little animals...just not when they're in your shed!

Flying squirrels in glide are cool to watch. They are incredibly light little guys. I got to help her with the study group she had and they are quite personable little animals...just not when they're in your shed!
I've never seen one. I guess they must not be around the northeast.

I helped out my wife's phd research by being an MRI test dummy. If you do a search, you can probably find pics of my innerds all over the place!

Found one:


:drunk: :bananadoggywow: :mf_pain:

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A guy my dad used to workout with was either a doc or x-ray tech in the ER. One time he showed me a x-ray of a light bulb stuck in a man's ass. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I think that's what started my downward spiral...
