The LEGO Movie
With Wit, Reviewed By Kimmo Mustonenen
This is the time of my exploding brain lobes.
How many times, in the living life, do we see our childhood dancing on the screen?
I want to believe that life is better than life is, but often it is not.
Then I go to the cinema.
Crap shoots in to my eye holes.
Not this time.
The movie light rushed over my body like a warm Kossu flowing from the mouth of Freyja (her chariot is pulled by two cats! Yowza!).
As I sucked the life out of many bon-bons while theater sitting, I was certain of one fact:
The LEGO Movie is the greatest story ever told.
And I wasn’t even high.
Can I begin? I will try.
First, the plot.
Emmit (
Chis Pratt) follows the rules better than any Lego person or people person has ever followed. His favorite song
(“Everything Is Awesome”) rocks just enough so that it may not rock.
That’s O.K.
He works. Watches a show about lost pants (better than anything
J.J. Abrams has pooped out – I’m look at you,
Then comes the “Piece of Resistance” followed by Wyldstyle (
Elizabeth Banks – hottest LEGO ever!) and war with Lord Business (
Will Ferrell).
The animation is better than my sleep brain movies after having eaten my medicinal brownie!
Colorful and alive.
Then even more colorful.
Then come the almost hallucination cool-ness of almost everything to come.
My eyeballs actually said “what the hell?” I couldn’t answer them.
Everything was too awesome.
Then I thought that “whoa, this movie is saying “hey, 99 percent, wake up and take back the world” and also ‘be yourself and screw the powerful’”.
These things I, Kimmo, would do – but I’m a pussy.
LEGOS are not *******.
This is how LEGOS are not *******.
Suck it, Peyton Manning.
Oh, and the movie has Batman (
Will Arnett) and a white Morgan Freeman (
Morgan Freeman).
Damn! What more is there to ask for?
Except for maybe a naked
Jennifer Lawrence (not made of LEGOS, but in human flesh form).
That would have made a happy place in my pants.
So, two thumbs aching to the highest atmosphere.
I will even say, with full truth, that
The LEGO Movie will be good to you EVEN IF YOU AREN’T DRUNK OR HIGH!
Just like
Shark Night 3D!
See this movie many, many times.
Then again.
You will say “Kimmo, you are awesome for making me see
The LEGO Movie many, many times, and then again.”
I will say “You are welcome, dude man!!!”