Movie thread

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^ I always hate hearing about something being bad from the masses. While it certainly may be, I'd still rather watch for myself and form my own opinion on it.

On my back log is to watch Season 3 of BBC Sherlock Holmes.

I was OK, with 6. I guess because I went into it not expecting more than something for entertainment.

ummm... isn't that the point in most movies.... something for entertainment?
true, but in some cases the lack of reality makes it no longer entertaining. Case in point, the stupid movie 12 rounds.
Or any Fast and Furious after the second one (although one and two were a stretch).

I was OK, with 6. I guess because I went into it not expecting more than something for entertainment.

ummm... isn't that the point in most movies.... something for entertainment?
true, but in some cases the lack of reality makes it no longer entertaining. Case in point, the stupid movie 12 rounds.
Or any Fast and Furious after the second one (although one and two were a stretch).
Case in point.

Since you guys started talking about tv shows, my wife and I are really into Arrow. We watched the first season on Netflix and are watching them now as they come out. If you're looking for a mindless show with good action, I would recommend it.

The Canyons - Lindsay Lohan + Story by Brett Easton Ellis + lead actor is a pr0n star = disaster

Like bad soft core pr0n with not enough nudity and way too much dialogue. Even had pr0n movie music.

This movie replaces Door to Silence as the worst movie I've ever seen.

We've seen a number of movies since my last review, but can only really remember a few of them.

Donnie Darko.


The only thing that sticks out in my head is how kinda f**ked up this whole movie is. Creepy looking bunny costume man appears in Donnie's head and strange worm hole-like tubes coming out of people. Would not watch again. Two stars.

Next seen by the MS household was Twixt.


First... HFS has Val Kilmer let himself go or what? It's as if he's snacked on Crisco for a while and used his overgrown hair as a napkin. You could rub him on a cookie tray to prevent sticking. Damn, Iceman! Second, WTF was Francis Ford Coppola thinking when he made this project? I guess since he's gotten into the wine business he doesn't give a sh*t anymore...

Back to the movie... well... let's not. Two stars would be generous.

One of the more recent movies is Devil's Pass.


First, this movie is based on an event that really happened - The Dyatlov Pass Incident. The real story in itself is interesting. This movie, however, is not based on any real life events. Merely entertainment. Second, the title has no relevance to the story. I don't know why it is called Devil's Pass. There is NO mention of "devil" throughout the movie. The mountain in the story is Dead Mountain and the area is Dyatlov Pass. Complete disconnect.

Moving on. This is about a college girl taking some friends and experienced mountain climbers (all in college) to Russia to document the Dyatlov Incident. She was to interview the only surviving team member of the original crew and gather the story along the way. Long story short, the further along they go in the mountains, the weirder stuff gets. Like... "WTF" weird. She ends up interviewing a member of the original search and rescue team and discovers that more than nine bodies were discovered in the search, but only nine were recovered. It wasn't until the end when everything made sense and why the weird stuff happened along the way. The story was explained well, but I still wasn't a fan of the "happenings".

Overall, I guess it was OK. Three stars. Now... Gemma Atkinson is in this movie...


and she gets a solid five stars. :Banane55: Sure, she's Rowan Atkinson's kid, but I don't care.

Final movie I can remember at this time, The Centurion.


Another Roman military movie. Yes, there have been a few of these movies made. Anywho, since it involves Rome, their military, and their politicians, I'll cut to the chase and just state that it's about a group of Romans stuck in the British land they were trying to conquer in the first place. They are attempting to return to secure Roman territory, but are being tracked / hunted by a Pict turned Roman spy turned Pict. :huh: Fighting scenes are just a bit heavy on the blood spray and gushing. It's as if each knife slit and sword piercing is made into a pressurized ketchup bottle. If I told any more of the story, I may give away something, so I'll just leave this review as it is.

I liked the movie despite the gratuitous blood lettings. Quite entertaining and is just over an hour and a half. I recommend this flick with 3.5 stars.

Also in this movie is... wait for it... Imogen Poots. Yes, "Poots".


No bare skin in this movie. Not bad, though. Four stars. :thumbs:

Holy crap! I typed Gemma Atkinson into Google, very much ****, but holy hell is she smoking hot.

I watched "The Wrestler" last night. All in all, better than I had anticipated, though I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. Very much what I think would be an accurate portrayal of just about any washed-up athlete who lived the high life, and then squandered their savings and family lives away at the peak of their fame.

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^ Marisa Tomei got nekkid in that one. Great film, and not just for that (but it helped).


Helicopters: check

Explosions: check

Gratuitous fight scenes: check

Super secret impossible infiltrations into impregnable fortresses using implausible means: check

Here's the problem: I was able to turn off plausible reality almost completely just long enough so that I could enjoy a fun action/spy comedy/thriller. I was in for the breaking into the Kremlin and fighting off the entire Russian Army with a .22 and an attitude. I'll even believe that Bruce Willis can take down a dozen highly skilled commandos with a can of potato chips and an empty box. But when they stretched reality beyond the breaking point and into mystical-magical-wait-what territory at the end, it sort of ruined the whole movie - kind of like in Die Hard 2 when Bruno lights the vapor trail to the jet on fire and the flames catch up to the plane as it's taking off . . . there is some stretching of reality that is too dumb to accept.

So if you watch this movie, fast forward through the final confrontation scene and just watch the last explosion. Don't worry yourself with how it happens.

^I have that movie right now and am loathe to watch it for the suspension of disbelief thing.

Went and saw "The Lego Movie" today. The boys were all about seeing it ever since they saw the preview, especially Emmett since the main character is also named Emmett. My hopes were not high after seeing the preview, but I was pleasantly surprised. The boys loved it and I actually enjoyed the movie. One of those kids movies that does a good job of including some stuff in there for the grown-ups.

Just finished watching Pacific Rim.

I set my expectations very low and boy was I disappointed. IT WAS AWESOME!

Helicopters, explosions, giant robots fighting giant monsters, buildings getting smashed!

Oh sure, there was more room for character development and exploration of the guardian/apprentice theme but GIANT ROBOTS FIGHTING GIANT MONSTERS!!! It may be because I had my expectations set so low, but I thought it was actually pretty good. Enjoyed it.
