I saw Guardians of the Galaxy V2 and give it a hearty thumbs up.
The family rented "The Red Turtle" on Amazon the other night. It's an animated film produced by Japan's Studio Ghibli, which is known for very high quality films by the masters of Japanese animation (such as Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, etc. all of which I would recommend to any viewer). This is the first of their films that has been written and directed by a non-Japanese, in this case, i think the director is from Belgium. It's pretty good, but probably not for anyone who can't sit still for very long. It develops pretty slowly, but the artwork is good and the story, as simple as it is, is engaging. The movie follows a guy who is shipwrecked, alone (initially) on a tropical island. There isn't a single work spoken in the film. Ultimately the movie turns out to be sort of (or very much) a symbolic look at life, man's relationship with nature, or whatever you want it to mean, I suppose. There are a few tense moments, but mostly it unfolds pretty serenely. I'd recommend it for folks who can appreciate film as art, but not for the explosions, ****s, and helicopters crowd.