Movie thread

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Sooooooo... you wouldn't... you know... if she asked?
Well, since I'm married, definitely not.

But even if I wasn't, no. She looks pretty skanky to me. I can understand others being attracted to her, but she doesn't do it for me, even a little bit.

she did come off as a little trailer trashy in the movies which has to roll into her real life, type casting at its finest.

I defin want to see the 3rd installment!

there isnt much out there movie worthy to see so I hope its entertaining....

we rented cedar rapids last night, holy cow was that one bad also....

Watched The Adjustment Bureau last night via AppleTV.

I thought that it was pretty good, and the plot was thought provoking so I googled the movie, and found out that it was based on a short story written by Philip K. Dick in 1954. He also wrote the stories that were the basis for Minority Report and Total Recall among others. I'm interested in reading some of his work, has anyone read anything by him? I'm looking for a starting point...

He wrote the story BladeRunner was based on, too (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)

So maybe I'll just find a collection of his short stories and start there...what a fantastic imagination!

Started watching "Roommate"...I think that's the name of it, it's the blatant rip-off of "Single White Female"...but it was a really bad copy so I quit after about 10 minutes. The camcorder must have been pretty bad and the operator kept adjusting it and there was something blocking the lower righthand corner of the screen. The movie selection of stuff I haven't watched yet is getting pretty slim so I may give it another shot.

I ended up watching "Paul" last night instead. I thought someone on here said it was bad, but I liked it.

went to see first class on Saturday night. it was ok. not that into the xmen thing but mr snick wanted to see it. It explained a lot, but not sure if that was in the original comic series or just explaining for info from the other movies.

We watched Black Swan last night. I had no idea what it was about as the wifey-wife chose it. Anywho, it starts out with Natalie Portman, so it can't be all that bad, right? Later, Mila Kunis... you know... the annoying chick from That 70's Show... comes in the picture. She done growed up. ;)

Long story short, I knew how the movie was going to progress after seeing the first 15 minutes. It isn't a bad movie, per se, but the longer it goes on, the weirder it gets. It gets REALLY weird in the last 20 minutes. Definately want to take a halucenogenic drug if you're going to watch this movie. Oh, it has some scenes that are worthy of Skinemax (Cinemax). Way cool scenes. ;)

Not great, not bad, just... good, I guess.

Watched Horrible Bosses over the weekend

I give it a 7/10

Jennifer Aniston is smoking like usual and is very aggresive and near nude

Kevin Spacey really is a horrible boss

Just a funny movie overall, better than Bad Teacher.

My wife has a horrible boss but she thought the bosses in this movie were worse.

We watched Black Swan last night. I had no idea what it was about as the wifey-wife chose it. Anywho, it starts out with Natalie Portman, so it can't be all that bad, right? Later, Mila Kunis... you know... the annoying chick from That 70's Show... comes in the picture. She done growed up. ;)
Long story short, I knew how the movie was going to progress after seeing the first 15 minutes. It isn't a bad movie, per se, but the longer it goes on, the weirder it gets. It gets REALLY weird in the last 20 minutes. Definately want to take a halucenogenic drug if you're going to watch this movie. Oh, it has some scenes that are worthy of Skinemax (Cinemax). Way cool scenes. ;)

Not great, not bad, just... good, I guess.
You left out the best part!!! And no a winking smiley face is not going to cut it.

It was one of the few movies we had on the shelf that I haven't watched so I checked it out the other night. It was oddly entertaining...or maybe I've just been here too long.

Oh, totally off key here, but after watching Black Swan, a really weird question popped into my head.

Would you let Natalie Portman fart on your leg?

I watched "Kick-Ass" last night thinking it would be terrible, but I actually really liked it. Despite having McLovin as one of the co-stars, it actually had some serious moments, and the fight scenes, even though most were with a 10 year old girl, were very Kill-Bill-esque. I'd watch it again.
