Taking suggestions
C is for cello
Does "The Aftermath" look a little clearer?Still looks like he's eating a cello to me.
Not really. I'm at the point where I can't hear what most people consider to be "normal conversation"... which means I can't hear my kids if they're in the next room. I have a baby monitor that vibrates so I can "hear" the baby if he wakes up at night. I'll admit, sometimes it's nice to be able to "tune out" when hubby is ranting about something... but it's frustrating for all of us when he has to repeat himself 3 or 4 times.For those of us who are married, hearing loss can be a blessing.
My CABs are generally not beer... I'm more of a rum and diet coke girl...chilled/cold adult beverage is another meaning
THIS is the response I expected to get...Allow me to be the voice of reason and moderation... how could one lousy drink cause any statistically significant effect? Go for it!
I would think The Aftermath would be more viscous and include a fairly high percentage of solids. As a mechanical, I'd have to bow to my civil counterparts to give the yea or nay.Would you model flow from The Aftermath the same way you would stormwater?
Well, OK, I'll continue the thread derailing with "Cokie Monster".Since we're posting Cookie Monster drawings, I thought I would resurrect this one, which has absolutely nothing to do with this thread:
Fortunately, my fluid mech book has a set of stndard viscosity tables fo water and other common fluids. Not sure if there's table for 'steaming vomit' though.I would think The Aftermath would be more viscous and include a fairly high percentage of solids. As a mechanical, I'd have to bow to my civil counterparts to give the yea or nay.
Fortunately, my fluid mech book has a set of stndard viscosity tables fo water and other common fluids. Not sure if there's table for 'steaming vomit' though.
I love the cookie monster series! Pig in the MRI is classic too.
ALBin You aren't by chance a poster child for wedded bliss are you?
I had the pre-op today as well for my foot, although showtime isn't until Monday for me. Good luck, and let us know you're ok afterwards!Well, tomorrow's the big day. I am nervous, but hopeful. I went in for my pre-op today.
Good luck to you too!I had the pre-op today as well for my foot, although showtime isn't until Monday for me. Good luck, and let us know you're ok afterwards!
Good luck, TX! Sounds like you may have to resort to the tactics you used during your pregnancy to prevent the sleep-eating problems you had. After the surgery, go out and have some ice cream.Well, tomorrow's the big day. I am nervous, but hopeful. I went in for my pre-op today. My surgery is scheduled for 11am tomorrow... so, they gave me the typical "no food or drink after midnight" speech. My question was, if the surgery was at 7am, they would say the same thing... so why do I have to go 11hrs w/ no food?
The nurse said, "If we said you could eat up to 8 hours before surgery, would you actually get up at 3am to eat something?". My response "YES!" She looked at me, laughed... and said "How do you stay so skinny?" (she probably weighed over 200) and then, "No food or drinks after midnight!"
Damn. I tried to explain to her that I am hypoglycemic and may pass out before I even make it to the hospital... she said "Everybody uses that excuse." I almost hope she's on duty tomorrow so she can see first-hand what going 11hrs w/ no food can do to someone like me.
Sounds like the nurse may have been related to the Ex-Mrs. JR!Good luck with the surgery!
I've come to the conclusion that most people at hospitals anymore are total dicks. When I had my cancer surgery, the night shift nursing staff was the most ignorant, disrespectful bunch of people I ever met. Screaming and joking in the halls while I was trying to sleep, one even made me disconnect my own IV and ankle compression cuffs when I had to pee, then reprimanded me for not peeing in the plastic container!
Next time I got up to pee (pretty frequently, I was in recovery for 14 hours since Yale didn't have any rooms open, even then I ended up in a trauma ward next to a large gangbanger with multiple gunshot wounds who was the biggest baby on the face of the planet), I peed in the jug. I then proceeded to fling the pee-pee filled jug out into the hallway so it dumped all over the floor. Serves them right. The ******* even took it upon himself (a nurse, not a doctor) to stop my MORPHINE DRIP and give me Tylenol with codeine in PILL FORM instead! This is after they had my throat cut open for 6 hours!
Good luck, man! I thought the foot was good to go? What happened that you need surgery now?I had the pre-op today as well for my foot, although showtime isn't until Monday for me. Good luck, and let us know you're ok afterwards!
I had this thought as well as potential for dehydration. Most of the IV drugs will have a tendency to dehydrate (stop bowel functions) ... so the added dehydration 'stress' could be a reason to ask you to back it off.maybe it interferes with your blood thinning and the docs don't want to have someone bleed out on the table.
See .. if you didn't have to go around trying to shove it up everone's a$$ .. perhaps this surgery wouldn't be necessary!I had the pre-op today as well for my foot, although showtime isn't until Monday for me.
ZING !!!! :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:Sounds like the nurse may have been related to the Ex-Mrs. JR!