^Taco Bell - 87% real beef and 13% rat turds. Used to love it though.
As long as it's got some kind of whitish-green goo in it and I can drown it in Fire Sauce, I couldn't care less.
^Taco Bell - 87% real beef and 13% rat turds. Used to love it though.
Do they pick up a RedBox movie when they are finished dining, or is that reserved for the second date?There are a lot of folks from India in my grad classes. Apparently, McDonald's is a popular and common place to take someone on a first date.
I wish they remodeled the mcDonalds to include playplaces...at least for those along the highway. If you aren't stopping at a designated rest stop, with grassy area to run, having a place to let kids strecth and play is a good thing.
Great way to get a free meal!My brother and his family (3 kids) and my wife and I and our 2 kids went to Del Friscos in NYC. whil we were eating this older gentleman at the table next to us starts to choke and turn blue. the wait staff is on it and they lay him on the floor and call 911. Boy that was some great atnmosphere to enjoy your $75 steak! Luckily he was ok but they took him out on a stretcher.
The McD near the office is now framed and sided. To be honest, the it looks like an insurance or accountant's office except for the big sign with the golden arches.
I don't drink coffee, but my wife loves the stuff and told me yesterday when we drove past McD that Starbucks is considering changing their model as well. At night, they would serve alcoholic drinks and more pub style food. It makes sense because what do you need a double espresso for an hour before bed.