Taking suggestions
Just got an email from my almamater about a new program for a masters in financial engineering. From the curriculm list it looks like the college of engineering's version of an MBA.
And finally I have put my MBA to use somewhere besides my wall.Financial Engineering is about using computer processing capabilities to inform investment decisions. Think thinks like: options pricing, risk valuation, quants, et al.
It's a very real field with lots of money for those who are good at it. (Even more if you are bad at it based on the causes of this recession.)
Corrected.Oh this sounds cool; I might have to look into this. Of course it's pretty useless unless you can get seed money....from your engineering job lol. Once you have a seed money level job, this would be good information to have.
University of Illinois Urbana Champaignwhat school is (are) offering this degree?
I have an MEM, and it is quite different than an MBA. I had courses in project management, cost accounting, operations research, process analysis, etc. I took one economics class at the business school as an elective and I was in there with a bunch of MBA students. I wouldn't have enjoyed the MBA degree courses if they were all full of people like that econ class. They have a completely different mindset.I used to work with a guy who got a masters in Engineering Management, kind of like an MBA...which begs the question why not just get an MBA...