Man Rules Violation

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When I was deployed to Somalia, living at the Mogadishu Marriott at the port (the Mogadishu Marriott was actually a large wharehouse where we all bunked), we had crappers built out of milvans by Navy Seabees.

They consisted of a 2x4 construction with plywood covers and toilet seats over the holes that were cut into the tops of the plywood. Each milvan contained about six "stalls". The "stalls" were nothing more than these holes with toilet seats. Anyway...there was this one Major, his name slips my mind though, that always wanted to strike up the conversations with whoever was doing business at the time...

I would try to just ignore him as best as I could, however "friendly fire incident" crossed the minds of many who were forced to listen to the toilet conversations.

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When I was deployed to Somalia, living at the Mogadishu Marriott at the port (the Mogadishu Marriott was actually a large whaorehouse where we all bunked)
no worries. I fixed your spelling error.

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I had an incident at a truck stop/casino/restaurant, lol, where upon entering the rest room I heard a conversation going on. As I approached the urinal, I realized the guy in the stall was on the phone. He was having one of those craps like the kid from American Pie had in the girls restroom. I didn't check but I bet his feet even left the floor. It sounded like his butthole exploded. I know the person on the other end of the phone could here it. I bet people in the restaurant heard him too. If he was talking to someone out-of-state, would that make it a Federal Man Law violation?
Shit break?! :Locolaugh: :lmao:

HFS ....

I was in between committee sessions today at the capitol building and had stopped in the head to recycle my coffee. As I was standing at the urinal .. my Chief slides into a toilet stall and proceeds to start asking me about how my divorce is going.

I was like .... :blink:

For once in my life I was speechless ..... :true:


HFS ....
I was in between committee sessions today at the capitol building and had stopped in the head to recycle my coffee. As I was standing at the urinal .. my Chief slides into a toilet stall and proceeds to start asking me about how my divorce is going.

I was like .... :blink:

For once in my life I was speechless ..... :true:

That bad, huh?
here's a question: for the talkative half of the species (i.e. females), do they have 'gag' etiquette in effect while taking a dump, or in the can in general? just wondering. . . .sometimes their conversations never seem to have a stopping point. . . .

here's a question: for the talkative half of the species (i.e. females), do they have 'gag' etiquette in effect while taking a dump, or in the can in general? just wondering. . . .sometimes their conversations never seem to have a stopping point. . . .
Unfortuantely, there is no equivalent Gag order in the female restroom, regardless of your business. If you were talking as you were walking in the conversation usually keeps going. I have seen the cell phone conversations continue as well.

me, personally, I would prefer the no talking rule of the male restroom.

^ thought as much. . . .

[speak up now, i had bratwurst for supper last nite] :blink:

Unfortuantely, there is no equivalent Gag order in the female restroom, regardless of your business. If you were talking as you were walking in the conversation usually keeps going. I have seen the cell phone conversations continue as well.
me, personally, I would prefer the no talking rule of the male restroom.
My wife is totally against the old habit of going to the ladies room in groups for just that reason.

wow. that is grievous. That is why I try to avoid being in the can while there is another shitter present. Luckily, in our eng. dept. there is a bathroom with one stall and one pisser. If someone is using either, I wait. If I am using either, I lock the door. Nothing like privacy and solitude while extruding dook.
You're shitting me? No one is allowed in if you're dropping the kids off at the pool? You've got some privacy issues! [spend some time in the military and that would get fixed quick!] :)

^dude... its a small room and I like quiet... I used to not do it, but then a guy walked in saw the feet under the stalll and walked out... I figured... that was slightly uncomfortable, and can be avoided. also, there is only one sink, so if the shitter and the pisser finish simultaneously, there is a uncomfortable moment waiting to use the sink... the door has a lock, so I use it

(my poo smells real bad too, so its for others benefit as much as my own.)

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oh no I like my meat....

please don't take that out of context.

Knew a vegan guy, every time he farted it would clear the room (sometimes multiple rooms)... we would call it "the vegan mist".

Knew a vegan guy, every time he farted it would clear the room (sometimes multiple rooms)... we would call it "the vegan mist".
I'm a dork for even thinking this, but bear w/ me. . ..

You take a drop-dead gorgeous chick like say, Carrie Underwood in example. Underwood has been billed as the World's sexiest vegetarian by PETA :true: - knowing the lack of proteins & enzymes normally acquired in consuming meat which supposedly contributes to vegetarian's noxious excretions, can you overlook the house-clearing #2's that would likely emanate from said drop-dead gorgeous chick?

I say I'm a dork because of course you do, poop pretty much stinks no matter who's butt it plops out of - I mean Carrie f'n Underwood!? C'mon, I'd be in there giving her a pedicure while she's doin her business.

I'm a dork for even thinking this, but bear w/ me. . .. You take a drop-dead gorgeous chick like say, Carrie Underwood in example. Underwood has been billed as the World's sexiest vegetarian by PETA :true: - knowing the lack of proteins & enzymes normally acquired in consuming meat which supposedly contributes to vegetarian's noxious excretions, can you overlook the house-clearing #2's that would likely emanate from said drop-dead gorgeous chick?

I say I'm a dork because of course you do, poop pretty much stinks no matter who's butt it plops out of - I mean Carrie f'n Underwood!? C'mon, I'd be in there giving her a pedicure while she's doin her business.
I'm debating rescinding your hetero card for even having this idea. Consider yourself on notice. :D
