Major Parenting Failure

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there were many pregnancies while I was in HS. There was one girl who was on #2 by the time she least I think she graduated.

More than half our lamaze class was high school students, here in our small town.

Welcome to childhood in an upper middle class NY suburb. When I graduated high school, we had something like a 94% rate of kids that went on to college of some sort. Not because half of those shlubs had anyplace being there, it's that just not going to college was an unacceptable option that looked bad on the parents. It was such an image conscious place. I don't miss it.

When I graduated high school, we had something like a 94% rate of kids that went on to college of some sort.
Our rate was probably 98-99% college attendance. Didn't really make a difference, and honestly, i would have expected a bit more caution, but that's the way it was in the early eighties, I guess.

Our school district actually has a couple of TAPP schools (TeenAge Pregnancy Program). I think the rule is that once they begin to show, they are shipped off to the TAPP school to keep up to date in class without disrupting it. Then a few weeks/months after the kid is born, they go back to their regular school.

You had girls that got pregnant in your HS? As in plural? least three in my class my junior year of high school.

I remember several pregnancies when I was in high school. There was also a girl that had a baby in 8th grade.
The class right behind mine had two girls who had kids in 8th grade.

There were quite a few pregnancies in my high school as well. The one that was the weirdest to me was this girl that I always thought was a Mormon. She wore the long skirts/dresses every day and I didn't even think she knew what sex was. Anyway, I remember seeing her walk across the stage 7 months pregnant at graduation and being totally flabergasted. I think there were somewhere between 15 and 20 pregnancies in my graduating class of about 400.
We also had a Mormon girl who was pregnant in high school, BUT she got married first and then got pregnant. It was totally planned.

there were many pregnancies while I was in HS. There was one girl who was on #2 by the time she least I think she graduated.
More than half our lamaze class was high school students, here in our small town.
One of the girls who had a baby in 8th grade was on her THIRD by her junior year.

there were many pregnancies while I was in HS. There was one girl who was on #2 by the time she least I think she graduated.
More than half our lamaze class was high school students, here in our small town.
One of the girls who had a baby in 8th grade was on her THIRD by her junior year.
Curious to find out how many she ended up with.

Curious to find out how many she ended up with.
I saw her last year at a community event and she had more children with her that I could assume were hers. I was trying to do the math in my head about how old her kids would be from high school and determined that the kids with her that day were younger. So, my educated guess is 6.

I've seen several times where the kid gets pregnant in HS, gives the baby to her parents and they raise it as their own. Basically it allows the mom to go off to college and growup like a "normal" child.

Not sure if I like this concept or not, I just hope I don't have to make this decision. Ever.

Me either. Would I rather start over as a "new" parent again at that age, or live with knowing my first grandchild has been adopted to another family? Dunno. Don't think I'd settle into letting my son off that easily.

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I've seen several times where the kid gets pregnant in HS, gives the baby to her parents and they raise it as their own. Basically it allows the mom to go off to college and growup like a "normal" child.
I knew someone who did this. I always wondered when/if they ever told the kid that their older sister was in fact their mother. You KNOW its gonna come out eventually.

DADS: If you have daughters, remember what you and your girlfriends did when you were a teenager. Teenagers still do that. Better to be prepared than to have regrets.


If my daughter gets all the action I did as a teenager, I have nothing to worry about.

Now, if she gets all the action I wanted to get as a teenager, that's another story.

^Sadly, it's always easier for girls to get action (or at least it was at my high school). That's why you have to be so careful with them.

^^^ Similar to the saying about terrorists: They only have to be lucky once, you have to be lucky everytime.


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