I have purposfully ignored this thread because my daughter turns 3 in March. I don't want to think about having "the talk" with her, and I hope if I don't think about it enough, she will automatically be 25 and I won't have to deal with it.
I never really got "the talk" from my parents, although my dad did try once. It was a very basic, but uncomfortable 30 second exchange:
Driving home from one of my high-school sporting events...
Dad: Son, do you know what your balls are for?
Me: Yeah.
Dad: Ok.
Only other time I talked about sex with my parents before college was during my senior year of high school. At the time I was dating my wife (a long distance relationship which required sleep-overs if we wanted to see each other). When we visited each other, we would sleep in each other's guest bedroom until I asked my parents if the cared if we shared a bed. My mom's response: "You're 18 which means you're an adult, you know what happens if you slip, so be careful." It didn't hurt the fact that my bedroom and my parent's bedroom were both lofts over the living room. I was on the west side, my parents on the north of an "L" shaped house. I could see my mom's pillow from my bed if I sat up. <--- really good sex deterant.
I probably won't be that basic with my kids, and I probably won't wait until HS to have the talk either.