So we have less than 2 weeks until the we sit for the exam. How prepared do you feel?
So far I have done the NCEES test twice
CI exams twice
Spin ups once
Did like 30 CI code drills (I'm familiar with the code and use Tom Henry index so it was time not well spent on these)
I average about 2 hours per exam and average score of about 80-85%
most of my missed points are from small mistakes that trip me up but I'd like to think my fundamentals are strong. My weak points are Econ. (Getting better) & random misc. topics not really mentioned specifically in the scope (ex. Sawtooth waves in spin up exams)
But I'm feeling decent and ready to start winding down my studying soon. I've never studied this much for anything else.
Also in my prep I've found Alex Graffeos book to be very helpful. You could almost team this up with the EPRM & NEC and be set. I would highly recommend it If your taking the Power PE.
So far I have done the NCEES test twice
CI exams twice
Spin ups once
Did like 30 CI code drills (I'm familiar with the code and use Tom Henry index so it was time not well spent on these)
I average about 2 hours per exam and average score of about 80-85%
most of my missed points are from small mistakes that trip me up but I'd like to think my fundamentals are strong. My weak points are Econ. (Getting better) & random misc. topics not really mentioned specifically in the scope (ex. Sawtooth waves in spin up exams)
But I'm feeling decent and ready to start winding down my studying soon. I've never studied this much for anything else.
Also in my prep I've found Alex Graffeos book to be very helpful. You could almost team this up with the EPRM & NEC and be set. I would highly recommend it If your taking the Power PE.