^She's a little bit out there... but you'd be missing out. Season 2 is pretty good.Sorry I wont be watching season 2. The winner should not have even made it to the finals.
^She's a little bit out there... but you'd be missing out. Season 2 is pretty good.Sorry I wont be watching season 2. The winner should not have even made it to the finals.
We just finished Season 2 this past weekend. I'd agree overall it was pretty good. But to echo @snickerd3 , there was that one guy in Season 2 (Chris? the older gentleman) who refused to actually follow the "theme" for every challenge and instead made pieces based on his interpretation of the interpretation of the theme. Granted, he did some amazing things but there were a few challenges where my wife and I sat there like "he didn't really even do what they asked, there's no way he moves on". Yet, he did.^She's a little bit out there... but you'd be missing out. Season 2 is pretty good.
Good to know. Now setting expectations accordingly.mr snick watched that...I didn't sit through it all though. Good at the beginning towards the end of the seasons it was like any show, probably should have ended a lot sooner than it did.
I watched the first 3 seasons and was blown away on how good it was.We started “The Expanse” on Amazon Prime last night, based on a recommendation from a good friend. We watched two episodes, and it was pretty good. There are 5 seasons and it’s still going as far as I could tell, so there’s much to watch. However, I think Mr. Leggo will see a lot more episodes than I will, because of my work and study schedule. I really should have been working or studying last night when I watched the two episodes, but did go to bed right afterwards.
Anyway, it’s a sci-fi show that takes place in outer space, a few hundred years in the future. Apparently Mars (a military planet) and Earth are on the brink of war, and water and air are extremely scarce. Then the Belters are seen as the scum of the world, but do all of the hardest, most intense work out on the asteroid belt. That’s as much as I got from the first two episodes.
Yeah, I knew the background on the case, and I was a little disappointed that they dragged it out as long as they did and gave a spotlight to all the conspiracy theories (versus the actual police forces that were involved, and the hotel manager who was like 'everyone was attacking us, but we were doing what the were telling us to do'). It was sad and I'm wondering why her family would have participated/allowed it to go through, since they weren't interviewed/included in the documentary at all, which makes me feel like they were not involved.We got sucked into that Cecil Hotel show and I really thought it was pretty shity of netflix to basically create a mini -series for what ended up being just a horrible situation about a woman with mental issues. I hope they gave her family some money
Wife and I started watching the Cecil Hotel one, but still haven't finished it. Not sure why it was a series. Just seems like they dragged out all the same-ol'-stuff that's been revealed before on other mystery shows. After hearing about what a ****** area it is in and what a crap hole it is, I just figured she was sampling some of the wares and was on a bad trip.Also finished watching the mini-series on the Cecil Hotel and the Night Stalker (one just naturally led into the other). Both were...good? But I wasn't really sucked into it.